Displaying 101 - 150 of 1851 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
101 | What's the worst that could happen? Northern Iowan 106:13, p.7 |
Believes students need to take advantage of opportunities during their college days. Summon your courage and do whatever you have been wanting to try. At least you will have tried. | |
102 | Donations from UNI's program "Power of the Purse" help female students dress for interviewing success Northern Iowan 106:13, p.4 |
Three women students in financial need received $250 for interviewing attire. The money was donated by those attending "The Power of the Purse" presentation; photo. | |
103 | He said, she said: relationship advice Northern Iowan 106:12, p.8 |
Eye contact with the opposite sex can be a tricky situation; perspectives from men's amd women's poins of view. | |
104 | UNI's 'Power of the Purse III: every penny counts' raises money for three UNI female students to purchase new interview outfits Public Relations News Release 2009:108, p.1 |
For the first time, Power of the Purse attendees engaged in a philanthropic project aimed toward students. Participants could contribute their loose change to piggy banks on each table. The contributions will be given to deserving women students. | |
105 | New courses offered for Liberal Arts Core Northern Iowan 106:1, p.19 |
"Wind Energy Applications in Iowa" and "Women and Gender Studies: Introduction" have been added to the social science category. Iowa has become a major player in harnessing the wind for energy; photo. | |
106 | Gamer girls in hiding Northern Iowan 105:55, p.2 |
Recent survey notes that women outnumber men in the 25-34 year age group of those who play video games. Women seem not to share with others their love of playing video games. | |
107 | UNI events this week Northern Iowan 105:51, p.3 |
Dates, times, and places for events on or near campus for the coming week. | |
108 | Iowa continues to be progressive Northern Iowan 105:48, p.5 |
Admitting women on an equal basis to college, first female school district superintendent, allowing women to vote on bond issues forty years prior to the 19th amendment, Tinker vs. Des Moines, and allowing gay marriage are examples of progressive Iowa. | |
109 | The plight of the girl child Northern Iowan 105:38, p.7 |
Girls born in many areas of the world are subjected to the worst form of gender discrimination. The UN has launched a campaign to aid the "girl child". | |
110 | New site offers forum, advice Northern Iowan 105:35, p.7 |
Web site devoted to social networking dealing with the good, bad, and ugly of love lives. | |
111 | Just not that into waiting for a guy to call Northern Iowan 105:34, p.8 |
Has problems with many romantic comedies, but believes that they may have some truth to them. | |
112 | Iowa Mathematics & Science Education Partnership directs study on women and minorities in science, technology, engineering and math fields for Regent Public Relations News Release 2008:273, p.1 |
The report states that currently, women and some U. S. minorities are under-represented in some STEM majors, reflective of a national challenge of under-representation in these fields of study. Iowa's Regent universities have seen steady improvement. | |
113 | History of famous Iowan Northern Iowan 105:23, p.3 |
Cheryl Mullenbach presents lecture on Julia Addington; photo. | |
114 | Women's roles portrayed in romance comics Northern Iowan 105:20, p.1 |
Paul Siddens spoke at the CROW Forum. His presentation was entitled, "Domestic Containment: Women and Romance Comics of the '50s and '60s"; photo. | |
115 | Go Red for Women goes to Coldstone Northern Iowan 105:18, p.10 |
Public relations class created a program with Coldstone to raise money and awareness for the American Heart Association. The Other Place on College Hill will host the next event November 12; photo. | |
116 | Taking the "disorder" out of anorexia Northern Iowan 105:15, p.9 |
Eating disorders, in the writer's view, can be overcome by will power and dedication. Society may be to blame due to its desire to have women look a certain way. | |
117 | Old people are not just old Northern Iowan 105:13, p.8 |
Old people are awesome. They can be great comedians. They know more and have experienced more that the younger generation. Historical experiences are a valuable asset. | |
118 | UNI holds lecture in honor of Women's History Month Public Relations News Release 2007:500, p.1 |
AnaLouise Keating will present "Gloria Anzaldua's Legacy of Spiritualism and Activism" March 27; brief biographical profile of Lynn Cutler. | |
119 | We're all connected in some small way Northern Iowan 104:42, p.7 |
Believes that by sharing experiences with people different from ourselves, people soon discover similarities. | |
120 | Taking care of each other Northern Iowan 104:42, p.7 |
The death of a Loras College student brings home the need to look out for neighbors, friends, roommates, or classmates. Don't be afraid to intervene if necessary. | |
121 | Restore my faith in humanity please Northern Iowan 104:41, p.5 |
Notes lack of smiles, rudeness, and failing to be courteous; urges students to do one nice thing a day for a stranger. | |
122 | Lindsey Lohan has made my day Northern Iowan 104:38, p.12 |
Thoughts on Lindsey Lohan's recreation of the Marilyn Monroe photos; photo. | |
123 | Your Health and Sexuality questions answered Northern Iowan 104:37, p.9 |
Weekly question addressed. | |
124 | Restroom etiquette Northern Iowan 104:36, p.7 |
Personal hygiene suggestions. | |
125 | Alpha Phi gets pumped for cardiac care Northern Iowan 104:35, p.1 |
Alpha Phi sponsors Cardiac Care Month each year. Their goal is to raise awareness that cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women. | |
126 | UNI V-Day sponsors activities Northern Iowan 104:35, p.4 |
V-Month includes a self defense seminar, poetry slam, music night, film night, and two performances of the "Vagina Monologues". | |
127 | African women victims of abuse Northern Iowan 104:35, p.1 |
Natasha Johnson-Lashley spoke on the complications that face African immigrant women in receiving legal assistance against abusive husbands; photo. | |
128 | UNI V-Day sponsors V-Month activities throughout February Public Relations News Release 2007:424, p.1 |
The V-Day program will be sponsoring several V-Month activities. | |
129 | V-Day committee seeking artwork Public Relations News Release 2007:404, p.1 |
The V-Day committee is seeking pieces of artwork relating to women's empowerment, gender equality and prevention of violence against women to be auctioned off. | |
130 | Birth control prices increase Northern Iowan 104:23, p.1 |
The Deficit Rejection Act, signed by President Bush in February 2006, will result in a $99 billion dollar reduction in federal entitlement monies. This reduction will result in an increased cost of birth control pills; photo. | |
131 | UNI receives grant for violent crime prevention Northern Iowan 104:9, p.1 |
Department of Justice awards $1 million grant to create a task force to prevent violent crimes against women. | |
132 | A toast to the moments that matter Northern Iowan 104:8, p.7 |
There are good things to remember and consider when going through life; photo. | |
133 | The higher you are, the farther you fall Northern Iowan 104:6, p.5 |
Public perception of stars and idols. Brittany Spears' recent problems are used as examples. | |
134 | UNI hosts Power of the Purse: A Financial Seminar for Women Public Relations News Release 2007:102, p.1 |
"The Power of the Purse: a Financial Seminar for Women" will be held September 11. | |
135 | A fond farewell to a half-decade of readership Northern Iowan 103:55, p.8 |
Thoughts of Tim McCue as he prepares to graduate and writes his final column for the NI. | |
136 | National Women's Nutrition Week draws attention to female-specific dietary needs Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
National Women's Nutrition Week takes place April 9-15. | |
137 | A woman's passion in personal politics Northern Iowan 103:47, p.10 |
Lynn Cutler recalls experiences from the Black Hawk County Supervisors, the Women's Movement, and the National Democratic Committee; photo. | |
138 | "The Vagina Monologues" and V-Day events at UNI Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
The V-Day events will be taking place February 5-10. | |
139 | Dignitary in town Northern Iowan 103:27, p.5 |
Prince Turki Al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States, spoke on campus. | |
140 | Student Voices Northern Iowan 103:26, p.9 |
Students respond to the question; "What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard"? | |
141 | Wasting an opportunity Northern Iowan 103:26, p.8 |
Further commentary on Jeff Van Gelder's article entitled; "Sports; Girls just don't understand". | |
142 | We laugh because we care Northern Iowan 103:26, p.7 |
Laughter helps humans deal with difficult situations. | |
143 | Happy periods courtesy of Always Northern Iowan 103:25, p.7 |
Marketing plan for a women's hygiene product examined. | |
144 | Nicknaming fun not for everyone Northern Iowan 103:24, p.5 |
Appreciates original nicknames, but not all women like being called sweetheart. | |
145 | Columnist can't understand Northern Iowan 103:21, p.9 |
Women student athletes respond to Jeff Van Gelder's column. | |
146 | Anger management issues Northern Iowan 103:21, p.8 |
Reaction to Jeff Van Gelder's column in the November 3 issue of the NI. | |
147 | Sports are for both sexes Northern Iowan 103:21, p.9 |
Women and men can and do enjoy watching and participating in sports. | |
148 | An apology in line Northern Iowan 103:21, p.9 |
Writer requests an apology from Jeff Van Gelder for his November 3 article in the NI. | |
149 | Appalling opinion Northern Iowan 103:21, p.9 |
Disgusted with Jeff Van Gelder's article and the NI for printing the article. | |
150 | Sports: girls just don't understand Northern Iowan 103:20, p.19 |
Offers guidelines for women to discuss sports. |