
Displaying 51 - 100 of 1851 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 An open letter to moderate college Republicans
Northern Iowan 109:3, p.4
Author examines of the religious right on the Republican Party; notes stands against gay marriage and women's rights. Young Republicans may have been left behind; photo.
52 Intramural calendar of events
Northern Iowan 109:2, p.16
Schedule of upcoming events with intramural sports.
53 UNI's Center for Energy & Environmental education helps women be self-sufficient
Public Relations News Release 2011:307, p.1
UNI CEEE has partnered with ISU Extension, Senior Companions , Green Iowa Americorps, and UNI's Public Policy Program to aid area women in becoming better prepared for life's hardships.
54 He said, she said
Public Relations News Release 108:48, p.8
Male and female perspectives on relationship questions.
55 Another growth opportunity
Public Relations News Release 108:48, p.5
Panel discussion on "Men in Feminism" leads to friendly confrontation. Sincere questions were asked and answered.
56 UNI Women's History Month lecture explores role of women in globalization of U.S.
Public Relations News Release 2011:214, p.1
Visiting professor Kristin Hoganson will present a lecture focusing on women and their impact in globalization.
57 He said, she said: relationship advice
Northern Iowan 108:41, p.7
Male and female perspective on the question of the week; photo.
58 From the introspective perspective of an introvert
Northern Iowan 108:33, p.4
Introverts make up twenty-five percent of society. Introverts don't feel the need to be affiliated with anything in order to feel relevant. Don't be too quick to judge those different from yourself.
59 He said, she said
Northern Iowan 108:30, p.7
Male and female students give relationship advice; photo.
60 He said, she said
Northern Iowan 108:27, p.6
Dating and relationship questions answered from the male and female perspective; photo.
61 He said, she said
Northern Iowan 108:19, p.6
Male and female perspectives on dating, relationships, and human interactions; photo.
62 He said, she said
Northern Iowan 108:16, p.6
Male and female perspectives on dating and relationship questions.
63 Have your cupcake and eat it too
Northern Iowan 108:15, p.6
She's the First is a non-profit group that sponsors young girls' education in the developing world and helping them be the first of their family to graduate from high school. The UNI chapter will sell cupcakes as their first fund raiser; photo.
64 Victims of our society
Northern Iowan 108:15, p.4
Domestic violence has been around since Biblical times. The rapist should be the one harassed, asked all the embarrassing questions, and have family and friends asked about his mental state.
65 UNI to host expert in cultural images
Public Relations News Release 2011:74, p.1
Gail Dines a national advocate against pornography will speak at UNI and giver her expert opinion in cultural images.
66 It's October: Be a pink panther
Northern Iowan 108:12, p.4
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Someday we will cure breast cancer.
67 Richness rather than threat
Northern Iowan 108:8, p.4
Diversity of culture should not be a threat to educated people. Get to know those from another culture on campus. You will learn as much from them as they will from you.
68 He said, she said: relationship advice
Northern Iowan 108:7, p.5
Male and female perspectives on dating and relationship questions; photo.
69 UNI host Power of the Purse V: Let's Speak Female
Public Relations News Release 2011:35, p.1
A financial seminar for women, "Power of the Purse V: Let's Speak Female" will teach women about financial freedom.
70 He said, she said: Relationship advice
Northern Iowan 108:3, p.5
Male and female perspective on questions relating to dating and or relationships; photo.
71 Wanted: new roommate (women need not apply)
Northern Iowan 107:48, p.7
Finding a roommate is difficult. Many ads are for members of the same gender. Women have several reasons for not considering a male roommate. Many reasons are unfounded.
72 An end to gender, at least in my mind
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.11
A revealing moment in a person's life. Readers urged to embrace the talents and gifts that people around us bring to us. We are accountable for our deeds.
73 Student brings branch of Her Campus magazine to UNI
Northern Iowan 107:39, p.4
Tehrene Firman has opened a web branch geared toward college women. The site includes articles, event listings, polls, pictures, forums and even personal accounts. During the first week, the site received over two thousand hits.
74 Chris Larimer to discuss gender-balancing law
Northern Iowan 107:34, p.1
Assistant professor of political science will speak at University Book and Supply. Anyone interested in gender dynamics at the state or local government level will enjoy the discussion; photo.
75 No hats for you
Northern Iowan 107:25, p.10
Florida congresswoman seeks to have a rule overturned that does not allow people to wear hats while congress is in session. An alternative would be to make an exception for her.
76 Professor creates DVD on sexual consent
Northern Iowan 107:6, p.3
Professor Harry Brod examines the message of responsibility to take steps to know that you have consent for sexual activity. A person should ask and, if uncertain if he or she has permission, ask again.
77 He said, she said: Relationship advice
Northern Iowan 107:3, p.4
Relationship advice from male and female perspective; photo.
78 Research suggests gender diversity shapes decision-making processes
Public Relations News Release 2009:475, p.1
Should Elena Kagen be approved, the U. S. Supreme Court will, for the first time, have three female justices. Research conducted by Chris Larimer, suggests that gender composition of a group affects its decision outcomes.
79 UNI Integrated Services Project helping women overcome domestic violence and substance abuse
Public Relations News Release 2009:471, p.1
Through a partnership with Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV), the UNI Integrated Services Project (ISP) will develop more educational programs for staff and integrated services to help women reach safety and sobriety.
80 Thou who smelt it, dealt it
Northern Iowan 106:53, p.11
Bodily noises can be humorous.
81 The good old days
Northern Iowan 106:49, p.6
Life is full of choices for both men and women today. During early civilization, women became farmwives, mid-wives, or servants.
82 The topless double standard
Northern Iowan 106:49, p.5
Discussion on the Go Topless organization that fights for the right for women to be nude from the waist up.
83 Professor analyzes glass ceiling that halts women's advancement
Northern Iowan 106:49, p.1
Professor Victoria Robinson says that five external barriers hinder women in the workforce: the devaluation of women, home, and family; a limited number of sponsors and mentors, limited networks, and a systematic bias; photo.
84 UNI professor speaking out on 'jagged edges in the glass ceiling'
Public Relations News Release 2009:344, p.1
Robinson: Present-day barriers still limiting career advancement for women in educational leadership. Over the past 30 years, research on barriers to women in educational leadership has significantly evolved.
85 UNI professor speaking out on 'jagged edges in the glass ceiling'
Public Relations News Release 2009:338, p.1
Robinson: Present-day barriers still limiting career advancement for women in educational leadership. Over the past 30 years, research on barriers to women in educational leadership has significantly evolved. "Gender bias used to be more blatant.
86 What's so bad about prostitution anyway
Northern Iowan 106:39, p.3
Makes case for the legalization of prostitution.
87 Lecture to examine role conflict of women on parole
Public Relations News Release 2009:291, p.1
"Who Am I Accountable To? Role Conflict Among Women on Parole" is the title of a lecture to be given to Tara Opsal, professor of criminology, at the Center for Multicultural Education, Room 109A.
88 No gods, no masters
Northern Iowan 106:37, p.4
Believes that sexism is alive and well. Fundamentalist Christian leaders, such as Mark Driscoll, are preaching that women should have no voice and should not teach. Believes that little progress has been made for women's rights.
89 A false sense of security
Northern Iowan 106:33, p.4
Self defense classes and preventive sprays can cause people to think that since they know what to do in bad situations, nothing bad will happen. One should follow one's intuition and avoid dangerous situations or places.
90 Love, lust or lunacy? The biology of human attraction
Northern Iowan 106:31, p.5
Dating, physical attraction, and love examined.
91 The pros and cons of gossip
Northern Iowan 2008:30, p.5
Students urged to reduce the time spent on gossip due to its negative tone. One should think before he speaks.
92 He said, she said: relationship advice
Northern Iowan 2008:28, p.9
Woman seeks advice on how to handle boyfriend who notices other girls.
93 UNI hosts "Power of the Purse III; Every Penny Counts"
Northern Iowa Today 93:3, p.22
Program aimed at assisting women with philanthropy.
94 UNI students honored at Way Up conference
Public Relations News Release 2009:193, p.1
Johnanna Ganz, a graduate student from Cedar Falls, majoring in women's and gender studies, received The Carol Rocklin Kay Memorial Scholarship. Kaitlin Korbitz, a graduate student, received The Eunice A. Dell Memorial Scholarship.
95 Obstacles and opportunities experienced by women in IT to be the topic of next UNI "News Talk'
Public Relations News Release 2009:191, p.1
"Women in Information Technology Careers: Where Have They All Gone?" is the title of the final "News Talk" for the semester. The number of women in the information technology (IT) workforce continues to decline, yet demand for IT workers is increasing.
96 Next CROW Forum to be held Dec. 7
Public Relations News Release 2009:183, p.1
"Notes of Nuevo Amanecer: Weaving a New Beginning?" is the title of a lecture to be given by Jennifer Cooley. The lecture focuses on Cooley's most recent work, a bilingual play based on testimonials from Guatemalan women weavers in Postville, Iowa.
97 Do some Dalai Lama research
Northern Iowan 106:23, p.8
States that Tibetan people live in abject poverty, while the priestly and aristocratic classes live in opulence. Women have few, if any, rights.
98 A family fashion affair continues
Northern Iowan 106:20, p.8
Lisa Richter grew up sleeping in fitting rooms in women's stores owned by her mother. She still manages her mother's stores and recently opened her own store in Cedar Falls; photo.
99 He said, she said: relationship advice
Northern Iowan 106:19, p.7
Relationship problems addressed from the male and female point of view.
100 What's the worst that could happen?
Northern Iowan 106:13, p.7
Believes students need to take advantage of opportunities during their college days. Summon your courage and do whatever you have been wanting to try. At least you will have tried.