
Displaying 451 - 500 of 1846 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
451 Iowa women writers focus of presentation
Northern Iowan 90:8, p.9
Slide presentation to be given by Kathleen Hickok; photo.
452 "A Women's Forum"
Campus News Network 4:2, p.2
"A Women's Forum" will allow women in the university community to gather for informal conversation.
453 Men, television and "The Brady Bunch"
Northern Iowan 90:3, p.6
Men's and women's television viewing habits.
454 Freedom of expression includes porn
Northern Iowan 89:48, p.2
Disagrees with recent letter which linked pornography with the oppression of women.
455 Concert to celebrate women composers
Northern Iowan 89:43, p.7
Concert program.
456 Emma Goldman exhibit comes to Northern Iowa
Northern Iowan 89:15, p.4
Letters, photos, and documents will be on exhibit.
457 Smeal speaks on the ERA in Iowa
Northern Iowan 89:14, p.1
Eleanor Smeal speaks on ERA and other issues; photo.
458 Women for Women organization formed
Northern Iowan 89:13, p.6
Group will concentrate on ideas and feelings of women.
459 Feminists not so feminine
Northern Iowan 89:10, p.2
Believes some women have gone beyond struggle for equal rights.
460 More Than Scores
Northern Iowan 89:9, p.22
Women pioneers in sports.
461 From the Upper Deck
Northern Iowan 89:8, p.13
Women and football.
462 Smeal urges yes-vote; First Amendment addressed
Northern Iowan 89:6, p.1
Urges support of Iowa ERA.
463 University a forum for many different opinions
Northern Iowan 89:5, p.2
Upset with those who tore down posters announcing appearance of Ellie Smeal on campus.
464 Men on women
Northern Iowan 89:3, p.10
Outlines views on women.
465 Men on women
Northern Iowan 89:3, p.11
Outlines views on women and love.
466 Strategies differ for gender equality
Northern Iowan 89:3, p.11
Major issues on women's rights.
467 Women: liquor quicker, but safe drivers
Northern Iowan 89:3, p.13
Looks at stereotypes about women.
468 NOW and UNI GEA rally for equal rights
Northern Iowan 89:2, p.1
Groups hold meeting in Overman Park; photo.
469 NOW and UNI GEA sponsor Cedar Falls walk-a-thon; raising equal rights awareness
Northern Iowan 89:1, p.1
Purpose of event is to raise money for media campaign in favor of the ERA.
470 Something to think about
Northern Iowan 88:57, p.2
Editor addresses two issues that have been challenges for the NI: the advertisement for Asian women and the letters from David Jackson.
471 Smeal discusses women in the 1990's
Northern Iowan 88:53, p.1
Excerpts from speech by Eleanor Smeal; photo.
472 Women's rights activist speaks to UNI Tuesday
Northern Iowan 88:51, p.4
Eleanor Smeal will speak; photo.
473 A help or a hindrance
Public Relations News Release 1991:529, p.1
Penelope O'Connor believes self-help books can do more harm than good to a woman's self-esteem.
474 Ideal images?
Public Relations News Release 1991:486, p.1
Cynthia Bickley-Green states that the media have set the standard for the design, composition, and maintenance of the "perfect woman". Bickley-Green also talks about how images of beauty are used against women..
475 Blank pages offend male
Northern Iowan 88:45, p.2
Offended by joke at expense of males.
476 Member of UNI faculty/staff NI advertisement
Northern Iowan 88:42, p.3
Authors protest ad for "loyal, lovely Asian girls.
477 Black women contribute to Women's History Month
Northern Iowan 88:42, p.2
Outlines merits of Phyllis Wheatley's work.
478 Latest study on boys being favored in classroom not a new finding, says University of Northern Iowa educator.
Public Relations News Release 1991:438, p.1
Recent study entitled "How Schools Shortchange Girls" reinforces previous findings, according to Carmen Montecinos.
479 An unfair advantage from day one.
Public Relations News Release 1991:418, p.1
According to Carmen Montecinos and a report from the American Association of University Women, girls receive less attention in the classroom than do the boys. Iowa students are not exempt from this unequal treatment.
480 Girls who fish for men will wait
Northern Iowan 88:37, p.3
Offers advice for women who are seeking men.
481 UNI to host women in sports day
Campus News Network 2:10, p.1
Will look back on years of change in women's athletics.
482 Women are pushing the snooze button on their biological clocks
Public Relations News Release 1991:326, p.1
Martha Reineke shares information on the increasing number of women waiting until their late twenties or thirties for marriage.
483 UNI-G.L.O. develops new committee
Northern Iowan 88:17, p.2
Establishes Women's Needs Committee.
484 Female reader accepts sexual discrimination as a fact of life
Northern Iowan 88:17, p.2
Reacts to recent article on sexual discrimination; believes writer does not know the facts.
485 Two Down, Bottom of the Ninth
Northern Iowan 88:13, p.12
Offers views on male-female relations.
486 CROW Forum Series continues at the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1991:111, p.1
Current Research on Women Series will hear presentation on inclusion of women of color into the curriculum.
487 Women's equality day--improving opportunities and removing barriers.
Public Relations News Release 1991:8, p.1
Women still face discrimination when it comes to dealing with family and career issues.
488 NSF funds science and mathematics career exploration program
Northern Iowa Today 75:1, p.24
Gramts UNI $75,000 for women and minorities in science and math.
489 Women ask some questions
Northern Iowan 87:57, p.2
Believes recent letter writer should take broader view.
490 Time for equal time
Northern Iowan 87:56, p.2
Dislikes emphasis of "Women, Men, and Society" course.
491 He said, she said--examining the differences in how we communicate.
Public Relations News Release 1990:485, p.1
Men and women differ in the ways they communicate. This statement was made by Dr. Dale Spender during a presentation at UNI.
492 Professor's study shows women work harder at conversations
Northern Iowan 87:51, p.1
Professor DeFrancisco says that women initiate conversation more often than men.
493 Scholarships for adult women
Campus News Network 1:15, p.2
University Dames offers scholarships.
494 Iowa women celebrated with UNI Interpreters Theatre piece April 4-6.
Public Relations News Release 1990:451, p.1
UNI Interpreters Theatre will focus on the strengths of Iowa women during performances.
495 Genderly speaking . . . .
Campus News Network 1:13, p.2
Breakdown by category of employment of women in UNI workforce.
496 "Oh, Those UNI Women"
Northern Iowan 87:29, p.3
Editor comments on the women attending UNI.
497 Interpretations wrong; women not just "possessions"
Northern Iowan 87:22, p.2
Student responds to Mark Thompson's column on women printed November 6.
498 Columnist right and wrong
Northern Iowan 87:21, p.3
Student comments on Mark Thompson's November 6 column on women.
499 On the Other Hand
Northern Iowan 87:19, p.2
Columnist comments on the place women have held in society since Biblical times.
500 Women in the field of construction; 'an integral part of the whole picture'
Northern Iowan 87:13, p.1
Many opportunities exist for women interested in entering the construction field.