
Displaying 1 - 50 of 824 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Laptops versus desktops
Northern Iowan 119:29, p.4
Aubrey Schafbuch interviews students Emma Criswell, Macey Reed, Grant Wulfseng, and IT Director of Client Services Ben Arnold about the declining uses of campus PCs. More and more students are using their own laptops now that certain software and printing abilities can be used on personal devices; photo.
2 University re-evaluating computer labs
Northern Iowan 115:22, p.2
The Northern Iowa Student Government is considering renovating unused computer labs; photo.
3 2016 Student Guide
Northern Iowan 112:54, p.

The summer 2016 student guide, including letters of welcome, information about higher education, and features of Cedar Falls; photos.

4 Wi-Fi outcry at UNI
Northern Iowan 112:40, p.2
5 Personal tech devices belong in classroom
Northern Iowan 112:7, p.3

In the author's opinion, professors should not restrict students from using personal electronic devices in the classroom; photo.

6 eLearning offers new security course
Northern Iowan 110:15, p.4
UNI is offering a free course on cyber security for all students and faculty available through eLearning. The course will teach participants what they should and should not do online as well as ways to guard their identity online.
7 Password requirements set to change for UNI students and staff
Northern Iowan 109:41, p.4
The password requirements for logging into UNI accounts will change in April. They will make things easier and more efficient; photo.
8 Getting along through change
Northern Iowan 109:31, p.3
Democrats and Independents comprise about seventy percent of the country, and they want compromise, while the Republican voters say they don't. Author offers a few ways the country can move forward regardless of partisan divisions.
9 Pin Happy!
Northern Iowan 109:31, p.6
Step by step plans for a Valentine's Day wreath, and a sewn felt heart hanging; photo.
10 Field of the future
Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.25
Interactive Digital Studies is new major course of study; provides students with an array of digital skills; photo.
11 Are we set on 'easy'?
Northern Iowan 109:23, p.4
Column asks the question: does the normal impact of easy games make us soft as consumers? Appreciate how hard things were many years ago. Every now and then we can all use a bit of perspective.
12 LoanLook offers easy look at financial aid
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.7
Website allows students to view federal and private loans and grants in one place. Advice is provided on the best option available. Tim Bakula suggests using or for financial counseling; photo.
13 Pin happy!
Northern Iowan 109:3, p.6
Pinterest is a website featuring recipes, creative crafts, and a place for dreamers to dream. Step by step plans for a lamp with ribbon, clothespin picture holder, and flower vase are provided; photo.
14 Changes made in student computer centers
Northern Iowan 109:3, p.3
ITS has closed the student computer centers in Bartlett Hall and Rod Library. A new lab has opened in Panther Village. Ninety-five new computers are located in various centers on campus. New Duplex printers were purchased to cut paper usage.
15 WRS makes health promotion magazine available to students
Northern Iowan 109:3, p.3
Student Health 101 is an electronic magazine. Wellness and Recreation Services have subscribed, according to Kathy Green. Articles are written by health professionals. Many more students can be reached via this method.
16 UNI to host exhibit at Iowa State Fair, August 9-19
Public Relations News Release 2012:13, p.1
Future Panthers, alumni, and friends can visit with faculty, students, and alumni. Photos, tatoos, pennants, and athletic posters will be available.
17 In a New York nano; alumna finds success on the cutting edge of semiconductor research
Northern Iowa Today 95:2, p.10
Jenah Harris-Jones talks about the ways in which her education at UNI have fostered her success in semiconductor research; photo.
18 The greatest show on earth
Northern Iowan 108:36, p.4
Believes that legislation to stop online piracy is much too complicated. The Internet is the closest thing to a circus, but it continues to be a magical place. It is difficult to imagine censorship of the Internet.
19 UNI offering online physical education master's program
Northern Iowan 108:26, p.1
A new graduate program will be offered online. The course will take two years to complete. Students will take two courses per semester; including in the summer. Thirteen applications have been accepted thus far; photo.
20 From the archives
Northern Iowan 108:20, p.11
Information from the November 3, 1992, Northern Iowan.
21 Something anonymous never is
Northern Iowan 108:12, p.5
Information posted on the Internet is not only viewable in the present, but in the future. People need to remember that merely deleting a message does not eliminate it from the computer.
22 A certain kind of knowledge
Northern Iowan 108:4, p.3
Social sciences try to transform humanity into something that can be tracked. Looking back into history allows man to realize that no pattern exists. The computer age allows access to unbelievable amounts of information, but one must evaluate.
23 Wi-Fi access planned for all residence halls
Northern Iowan 108:1, p.1
Wireless Internet access is expected to be completed by October 2011. Network switches were refreshed over the summer. Hagemann Hall was the testing pilot and will be the first to receive service.
24 Introduction to ITS
Northern Iowan 107:54, p.
Information Technology Services is responsible for all aspects of information support on campus. Computer Centers are located throughout campus with several open twenty-four hours a day.
25 Rod Library provides information and convenience for students
Northern Iowan 107:54, p.
The services provided by Rod Library are explained. Students have access to study rooms, computers, and library assistance; photo.
26 NISG supports fee increase after debate
Northern Iowan 95:44, p.1
NISG passed a resolution supporting the increase of student computer fees by $30 per student per year; senior Scott Hunt proposed the increase.
27 Phishing attempts rising
Northern Iowan 107:36, p.3
Students warned to be skeptical when asked for personal information via E-mail. The University will never ask for your password. Do not open attachments from unknown sources.
28 The one virus you want to catch
Northern Iowan 107:34, p.13
Viral video is a fascinating concept. The Interlude Dance, designed and made by UNI students, is a huge hit on YouTube.
29 UNI introduces mobile website
Northern Iowan 107:29, p.3
More smart phones and other mobile devices than computers will be accessing the Web by 2014, according to some. In response, the University has launched a mobile website. The site will be is just the first step.
30 Teaching to learn
Northern Iowan 107:24, p.4
Interactive Digital Communications class works with a sixth grade class at the Price Laboratory School on a creative project. UNI students teach sixth graders how to work with Adobe Creative Suite; photo.
31 New MyUNIverse portal implemented
Northern Iowan 106:55, p.2
Revised student information system offers opportunities for students to individualize what they see; photo.
32 Where can I find
Northern Iowan 106:54, p.
A handy guide to finding information on the UNI Home Page and MyUNIverse.
33 UNI computer science students capture first and second at computer security competition
Public Relations News Release 2009:351, p.1
The Cyber Defense Competition challenges teams to maintain and secure a large collection of prescribed computer services while being subjected to various attacks and threats by security professionals, according to Paul Gray. Students listed.
34 Another year, another list of pitfalls
Northern Iowan 106:37, p.4
Apple Computers newest product, the iPad, has a few shortcomings, though it does have all the "normal items"; email, organizes photos, and plays videos etc. The iPad does NOT support flash among other things. In one word; disappointing.
35 Facebook: Handy tool or huge timewaster?
Northern Iowan 106:36, p.14
Facebook is a free service that allows communication among "friends". There are applications, including: "Fishville,Cartoon Yourself", and "Farmville".
36 Goodbye Hulu and free TV
Northern Iowan 106:31, p.5
The Web site is a free streaming site for television shows. It is reported that in 2010 the site will begin charging for their shows. People will revert to downloading shows illegally; photo.
37 $1.4 million Lectra donation upgrades software, student marketability
Northern Iowan 106:31, p.1
Textiles and Apparel Program receives donation of software as part of the "Imagine the Impact" campaign.
38 Spam hijacks several e-mail accounts
Northern Iowan 2008:28, p.2
An innocent appearing e-mail message has resulted in the blacklisting of e-mail messages from UNI by Microsoft. ITS is working on various methods to block these types of messages, but user awareness is the key; photo.
39 Cyber Cats
Northern Iowa Today 93:3, p.29
There are many UNI connections on social networking sites.
40 Wasteful practices escalate paper costs
Northern Iowan 106:20, p.1
Student impatience blamed for the overuse of printing at Rod Library. Fliers and a new policy of a forty page limit are aimed to help reduce waste. Paper is recycled, but increased costs of paper and toner require action; photo.
41 Quiet study places
Northern Iowan 106:19, p.5
Rod Library, Lang Hall, Communication Arts Center, Towers Center, Hemisphere Lounge, and Panera Bread listed as the favorite quiet study places for students. All have plusses and minuses.
42; use it, don't abuse it
Northern Iowan 106:16, p.5
Students urged to speak for themselves, be specific in their comments, describe both strengths and weaknesses, use pertinent details, and then proof read comments when rating professors.
43 Woo Me offers a personal touch to social networking
Northern Iowan 106:15, p.14
The social network, Woo Me, is noted for speed and as an intimate way to meet people. The majority of users range from 18-25, but older users are starting to use the site; photo.
44 Technology and age gap deserve sympathy
Northern Iowan 106:14, p.5
College students and even some high school students want information now. These students, unlike the older generation, have grown up with technology and are not afraid of new developments in that area.
45 A neutral net
Northern Iowan 106:8, p.5
Believes that a free Internet, which can be used and owned by everyone is ideal. Companies should not have the power to charge for usage of bandwidth or dictate what is available to the user.
46 My confessions
Northern Iowan 106:7, p.4
Believes that the Internet is now our new mode of communication. The use of Facebook is grossly over done. Computer time is taking over our lives.
47 CareerCat brings career opportunities
Northern Iowan 106:3, p.2
UNI Career Services announces the availability of a career management system named CareerCat. Online system; allows students to post resumes and look for employment or internships.
48 UNI's MyEntre.Net system boasts bigger, better site
Northern Iowa Today 93:2, p.17
New system will continue to connect entrepreneurs and small business owners.
49 No more fliers in dorm halls
Northern Iowan 106:1, p.1
Department of Residence will no longer accept materials to be posted within the residence halls. Postings on MyUniverse News is the alternative; photo.
50 ITS provides computer workshops
Northern Iowan 106:1, p.4
Information Technology Services hosts free workshops for students, faculty, and staff. Topics include; eLearning, Microsoft Word, Google Tools, OneNote, Excel, and Power Point.