
Displaying 1 - 50 of 1851 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Dress codes are an attack on girls
Northern Iowan 117:17, p.3
The author writes about her experiences with school uniforms and dress codes and how they disproportionally affect women.
2 'Star Trek' and progressive representation in television
Northern Iowan 116:39, p.3
In the author's opinion, the Star Trek franchise has been pioneering and consistent in bringing under-represented groups to the television screen.
3 Women's History Month
Northern Iowan 115:42, p.4
Professor Cara Burnidge and graduate Sara Naughton discuss and history and meaning of Women's History Month, which will be celebrated at UNI throughout March. Events will include a panel discussion of the movie "Surviving R. Kelly" and the #MeToo movement, author and speaker Cynthia Bond, and other events hosted by student organizations; photos.
4 Edit-a-thon focused on women and LGBTQ+ representation
Northern Iowan 115:41, p.2
Rod Library will host UNI Edits Wikipedia: Women and LGBTQ+ in the library on March 8. The goal is to have more people editing Wikipedia with more diverse perspectves; photo.
5 Woman's panel tackles tough issues
Northern Iowan 115:39, p.2

Theatre UNI held a Women in Science Panel on February 26 in the Communication Arts Building to discuss challenges faced by women in male-dominated fields. Professor Rachel Morgan moderated and panelists included professors Amy Osatinski and Siobhan Morgan as well as community theatre members Lisa Kelly and Jessica Link; photo.

6 A woman not lost to history
Northern Iowan 115:31, p.3
In the author's opinion, people should endeavor to preserve as much of history as possible so that future generations can have a more complete picture. Wiggins cites philosopher Émilie du Châtelet and her contributions during the Enlightenment as an example; photo.
7 Salary negotiation workshop on campus
Northern Iowan 115:23, p.2
The American Association of University Women will host a workshop on salary negotiations in Rod Library on November 12.
8 Overcoming unconscious biases is crucial
Northern Iowan 115:22, p.3
Professor emeritus of marketing Steve Corbin discusses unconscious bias. In the author's opinion, Iowa can become a better place to live only when citizens reflect on divisiveness, overcome biases, and act with civility; photo.
9 Professor discusses diversity in the media
Northern Iowan 115:19, p.4
Professor Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn presented "Myth vs. Reality: Race, Gender, and (In)justice in the Media" at the Rod Library on October 25. Her talk focused on how the media shapes our reality about race, gender, crime and injustices; photo.
10 The Jewish community in the Cedar Valley
Northern Iowan 114:35, p.1
The Jewish community in Cedar Valley has a rich history.
11 FMLA not "student-first" at UNI
Northern Iowan 114:30, p.2
The United Faculty labor union at UNI created a committee to review the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). They will review and make recommended changes to best serve the faculty and their family.
12 "My Black is Beautiful" week
Northern Iowan 114:19, p.4
The Black Student Union (BSU) is hosting "My Black is Beautiful Week" to celebrate and acknowledge African American students at UNI. The week will have a variety of events or activities such as speakers, a movie night, games, and food; photo.
13 Sexual assault campaign is problematic
Northern Iowan 114:16, p.4
Columnist Wolfe discusses the #MeToo campaign. Wolfe thinks there needs to be more emphasis on actions that can be taken and on bystander interventions; photo.
14 Attendance policies hurt students
Northern Iowan 114:11, p.3
Columnist Wolfe argues that professors should not have an attendance policy. Wolfe claims it can be detrimental to sick students, students with mental health struggles, and many others. Instead she claims professors should find a more creative solution than an attendance policy; photo.
15 Satire piece not bullying
Northern Iowan 112:53, p.3

Carr-Murphy defends her satire piece "Student orgs offer help to those in need" in the April Fool's Day edition of the Northern Iowan in response to two letters to the editor submitted to the paper; photo. 

16 LTE: Greek life spreads awareness
Northern Iowan 112:53, p.3

An anonymous letter to the editor responds to the April 21 Northern Iowan column "'Gimmicky' awareness event not enough." The author criticizes Carr-Murphy's stance, arguing that Walk a Mile in Her Shoes is a worthwhile event spreading awareness about sexual assault. 

17 'Gimmicky' awareness event not enough
Northern Iowan 112:52, p.3

In the author's opinion, the recent "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" event on campus is not the way sexual assault should be addressed; photo.

18 Student orgs offer help to those in need
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.7

In this satirical article written for April Fools, the columnist writes that UNI Right to Life and College Republicans are working with the administration to implement new policies to make decisions for female UNI students; photo.

19 LTE: To hell with Madeline Albright
Northern Iowan 112:38, p.3

In a letter to the editor, James criticizes Madeleine Albright for her support of Hillary Clinton, and advocates that supporting Bernie Sanders is the best way to support women.

20 CDC infographic sparks controversy
Northern Iowan 112:35, p.2

Members of the UNI community discuss reactions to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) information and guidelines regarding pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder; photo.

21 Ceramists bring "Women's Work" to UNI
Northern Iowan 112:29, p.4

"Women's Work: An Insight into Nature, Beauty and the Domestic Object," curated by professor JoAnn Schnabel, is on display in the UNI Gallery of Art until March 1. Artist Virginia Scotchie will present a lecture in the Kamerick Art Building on January 19 followed by an opening reception. Later in the spring, "Race and Social Justice," curated by students from professor Elizabeth Sutton's course, will open; photo.

22 VP op-ed: It's on us to stop campus sexual assault
Northern Iowan 112:21, p.4

An op-ed from Vice President Joe Biden discusses sexual violence on college campuses and strategies for prevention and accountability; photo.

23 Inclusivity, equality and utopia
Northern Iowan 111:48, p.3
Renae Beard gives her opinion on gender equality and inclusivity; photo.
24 UNI to host Women in Politics Scholarship banquet
Public Relations News Release 2014:87, p.1
UNI will host its 4th Women in Politics Scholarship banquet, October 30, at the Park Place Event Centre in Cedar Falls. The event will begin with a social time and dinner. People interested in tickets should contact Donna Hoffman.
25 UNI faculty face gender pay gap
Northern Iowan 110:52, p.1
Female faculty at UNI make about $10,000 less than their male counterparts. The administration monitors the gender gap, reviews pay, and makes adjustments as needed.
26 Finding women's roles in the Catholic church
Northern Iowan 110:47, p.6
Journalist Melinda Henneberger spoke of her thoughts regarding the role of women in the Roman Catholic Church. She stressed the importance of Pope Francis to act on women's issues.
27 Hernandez explores power and influence of feminism
Northern Iowan 110:45, p.2
Feminist author Daisy Hernandez gave a lecture entitled, "Feminists, Comrades, and Maybe Beyoncé: Models of Leadership Today." In her lecture, she identified strong women in today's society; photo.
28 Discrimination is no small matter
Northern Iowan 110:45, p.4
Says Keegan Strabala's opinions in his recent letter to the editor reflect that of the ignorant majority. Says discrimination is no small matter to those who experience it.
29 Standing up for women's rights
Northern Iowan 110:45, p.6
There are two new student organizations on the UNI campus that call for action for women's rights. Students Together for the Advancement of Reproductive Rights and Organizing for Action hosted two guest speakers for Women's History Month.
30 Valentine's weekend uncensored: actors present series of graphic stories, empower women
Northern Iowan 110:37, p.1
"The Vagina Monologues" covered several topics pertaining to womanhood this past weekend. "The Vagina Monologues" are different stories about women and their vaginas; photo.
31 Feminism is important for men, too
Northern Iowan 110:33, p.4
Says men need to step up and take an active role in feminist issues. If a person wants to combat and mitigate everyday sexism, he or she should start right away. Says the beginning of social change lies in the beliefs and attitudes of individuals.
32 Step back and stop obsessing over body image
Northern Iowan 110:28, p.4
The author encourages women everywhere to stop obsessing over body image and to accept and be happy with the way they look. Women need to be comfortable with who they are and how they look. Appearance is not as important as the media portrays it to be.
33 Dr. Sue Follon Scholarship for Women in Leadership
Northern Iowan 110:26, p.9
Information about the Dr. Sue Follon Scholarship for Women in Leadership requirements and how to apply.
34 Fighting against the War on Women
Northern Iowan 110:25, p.3
Sunsara Taylor gave at lecture entitled "Defeating the Assault on Abortion Rights: Winning the Full Liberation of Women." She said, "The idea that women have achieved full equality is false." Says the war on women needs to end; photo.
35 Dr. Sue Follon Scholarship for Women in Leadership
Northern Iowan 110:22, p.5
Information about the Dr. Sue Follon Scholarship for Women in Leadership requirements and how to apply.
36 Women face bias and inequality in the workplace
Northern Iowan 110:11, p.1
Though women attained suffrage in 1920, many women still face the issue of inequality in the workplace. Men, on average, receive higher wages than women.
37 Fix our conservative views on women
Northern Iowan 110:8, p.3
Author believes that equality should not need to be discussed in 2013. The article states that we need to continue to support the fact that women are equal to men and that they deserve the same rights; a college education is most important; photo.
38 Bonnie Campbell speaks on Violence Against Women Act
Northern Iowan 109:52, p.1
Bonnie Campbell, the Iowa Attorney General, came to UNI to speak about domestic violence, sexual abuse, and the Violence Against Women Act; photo.
39 Students discuss influential women in their lives
Northern Iowan 109:44, p.8
Celebrating Colors: Women Past, Present and Future was an event sponsored by the Women's and Gender Studies Program. During the event, people shared stories of the lives of their mothers and grandmothers.
40 We should all be pro-life
Northern Iowan 109:42, p.4
The author voices his opinion on abortion and some possible consequences of outlawing it.
41 He said, she said: relationship advice
Northern Iowan 109:37, p.4
Male and female view on asking a classmate out on a first day.
42 Break the stereotypes and have an epic bromance
Northern Iowan 109:35, p.4
Author expresses the importance of the relationship between two very close male friends (bromance).
43 He said, she said
Northern Iowan 109:33, p.7
Valentine's day gift and date ideas.
44 He said, she said: relationship advice
Northern Iowan 109:24, p.6
Male and female views on greeting exes.
45 He said, she said: relationship advice
Northern Iowan 109:20, p.9
Male and female perspectives on feelings after the first date.
46 UNI to host speaker on equal rights
Public Relations News Release 2012:124, p.1
Professor Julie Husband to speak on equal rights in presentation of "Embodying Equal Rights: Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass, 1868-1870" for research on Women and Gender. Presentation to detail threats and stereotypes.
47 UNI professor gives CROW talk on women, femininity and gender representation in sports
Northern Iowan 109:12, p.6
Communications professor Katherine Lavelle gave a talk entitled "Playing Like a Man: Representations of Gender and Athleticism in Sports".
48 Roller derby divas throw elbows in 'Derby, Baby'
Northern Iowan 109:8, p.4
Local members of the push-up brawlers respond to the movie "Derby, Baby!". This movie showcases how physically exhausting, yet mentally rewarding roller derby can be. Local team volunteers for several area causes.
49 Open your mind--spread your legs
Northern Iowan 109:6, p.4
Perceptions of sex discussed. Believes that shame, conservative social structures, and organized religions have taught people to hate desires and fear sexuality; photo.
50 UNI to host Women in Politics Scholarship benefit
Public Relations News Release 2012:58, p.1
UNI will host the third annual Women in Politics Scholarship benefit. The event will recognize one political science or public administration major. The goal: to encourage more women to participate in politics.