Obiter Scripta (Column)

Displaying 201 - 250 of 462 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Apologetic SCIans must escape normal school stigma
College Eye 59:43, p.2
Outsiders' horrific views of teachers colleges are untrue.
202 Men must beware of "black and white" value systems
College Eye 59:41, p.2
Previous calls to instill "clear and positive value systems" in students disturbs professor.
203 Fox upset about fast moving scientific development
College Eye 59:39, p.2
Disrupts his humanistic views/truths and fears he will soon be preaching what will then be only superstitions.
204 Present proposals won't solve drop out problem
College Eye 59:37, p.2
High school drop-out has mentally dropped out for years before high school.
205 Congress interested in more than science, big business
College Eye 59:35, p.2
National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities may be created to parallel the National Science Foundation.
206 Writers need practice, must know grammar, rhetoric
College Eye 59:33, p.2
Composition courses are ineffective; must be re-vamped.
207 Function of extra theme assignments: lessen inhibition
College Eye 59:31, p.2
Students could be more comfortable with their English/communication skills if they were required to write more papers.
208 Fox: new unrest includes constructive demonstrations
College Eye 59:30, p.2
Fox applauds student groups across America for their awareness of national issues.
209 Fox maintains students need more theme writing
College Eye 59:28, p.2
Current practice of ten 400-word themes is not enough to develop students' writing skills.
210 Presents proposal for greater educational efficiency
College Eye 59:26, p.2
Greatest resource is in intelligence and energy of student body; professors should stop assuming that the only place for a student to learn is under teacher direction.
211 SCI losing ground as state financial support lags
College Eye 59:24, p.2
State funds have been decreasing for last ten years; cuts into new classroom and new faculty plans.
212 Iowa presidents construing their jobs too narrowly
College Eye 59:22, p.2
Presidents of the state's universities should work with each other to improve facilities and faculty.
213 Fox strongly opposes giving vote to 18-year-old
College Eye 59:20, p.2
Group of 18 to 21-year-olds, as a whole, is not informed or wise in areas of politics.
214 Voluntary pledge of honor fails to work among cadets
College Eye 59:17, p.2
Cheating in the Air Force Academy comes as a shock.
215 'Filthy' book causes academic freedom controversy
College Eye 59:16, p.2
Baldwin's 'Another Country' has academic merit.
216 Student cannot find individuality in today's colleges
College Eye 59:15, p.2
States do not have enough money to allow college to cater to student individualities; colleges are not the only institutions suppressing individualities today.
217 Sees growing dissatisfaction with current curriculum
College Eye 59:13, p.2
Courses should instill morals, prepare students for specific career.
218 Young instructors often choose too difficult material
College Eye 59:11, p.2
Less-experienced teachers try to challenge students, end up wasting their time.
219 Lessen non-professional tasks, attract better faculty
College Eye 59:9, p.2
Pay faculty to do their job; hire clerks or student assistants for filing, fetching, carrying.
220 Faculty again busy with non-instructional matters
College Eye 59:7, p.2
Examination of Greek housing and deliberation of 'lights out' policy fall outside of faculty's obligations to school.
221 Fox still contends individuals cannot alter history
College Eye 59:5, p.2
Reiterates, in response to Wiesenfeld's article, that just one person cannot produce, change, or eliminate development of US.
222 Fox feels he's less passionate in partisan disputes
College Eye 59:3, p.2
Fox describes his lack of interest in presidential race.
223 Obiter Scripta: many, many steps to Negro freedom and equality
College Eye 58:29, p.2
Informs readers that the road to equal rights for African-Americans will be long and hard; the process does not take place overnight.
224 Obiter Scripta: Fox says recent interest in sex not a revolution
College Eye 58:27, p.2
Claims that the media are overreacting about the morality issue; it's not anything new.
225 Obiter Scripta: Fox sees institute as significant in education scene
College Eye 58:25, p.2
Claims that technical institutes are a necessity; technology is advancing too quickly to find workers who are educated in technology.
226 Obiter Scripta: suggests 'Third Law' rather than 'gimmick' for study
College Eye 58:23, p.2
Suggests that students would like a 'magic formula' that would enable them to pass tests without studying.
227 Obiter Scripta: Fox calls for evaluation, changes in major system
College Eye 58:21, p.2
Points out that as student enrollment in high schools expands, teachers can teach just one subject, so Fox questions the need for a minor requirement.
228 Obiter Scripta: Bohme regrets student housing is college business
College Eye 58:19, p.2
Disagrees with Professor Fox on fraternity housing.
229 Obiter Scripta: fraternity housing not proper college business: Fox
College Eye 58:17, p.2
Believes that the matter of fraternity housing is trivial..
230 Obiter Scripta: final examinations not the way to test students-Fox
College Eye 58:15, p.2
Points out that when taking finals as a student, Professor Fox never feared an exam.
231 Obiter Scripta: 'Each of us died when John Kennedy died:' Fox
College Eye 58:13, p.2
Disputes claim that only Lee Oswald is to blame.
232 Obiter Scripta: dropout problem lies in elementary school
College Eye 58:11, p.2
Argues that dropouts don't happen in high school; students have lost motivation years before.
233 Obiter Scripta: dropouts problem of education, not unemployment
College Eye 58:9, p.3
Discusses the failure of the NEA Dropout Project.
234 Obiter Scripta: let's try something different while there is time
College Eye 58:7, p.2
Addresses criticisms from colleagues.
235 Obiter Scripta: student-teacher ratio must rise even higher: Fox
College Eye 58:5, p.2
Claims that in order to compete for faculty personnel, the student-teacher ratio must rise.
236 Obiter Scripta
College Eye 58:3, p.2
Professor insists that he is spending too much time on simple tasks that anyone else could do; could teach more if he were relieved of menial duties and had a decent office.
237 Obiter Scripta: Fox disturbed by deterioration of faculty quality
College Eye 58:1, p.2
Notes critical shortage of qualified college faculty.
238 Year a success, but have not given thought for future: Fox
College Eye 57:32, p.2
Some people are happy with the way the year turned out but are worried about the next one.
239 Nation should honor authentic American hero, Dr. King
College Eye 57:31, p.2
Dr. King is not getting the recognition he deserves.
240 Maurer calls for improved political groups on campus
College Eye 57:30, p.2
Students don't take the time to become informed.
241 Fox sees need for five-year plan for secondary teachers
College Eye 57:29, p.2
The master's degree is not as powerful as before.
242 'Moral responsibility comes with freedom after graduation'
College Eye 57:28, p.2
Students take on more responsibility after higher learning is over.
243 Must define 'national interest' before valuing it
College Eye 57:27, p.2
What one person thinks is national interest may differ from what someone else thinks.
244 Education the solution to irrational tax protestors
College Eye 57:26, p.2
Protestors need to learn about what they are protesting.
245 Abstract expressionist modifies art to serve own needs
College Eye 57:25, p.2
Art is what the a person wants to see and is a symbol.
246 Mr. K's cunning ploy will give abstract art new life
College Eye 57:24, p.2
Soviet artists must work in a certain form.
247 Who, besides squeezees, could gain from enrollment rise?
College Eye 57:23, p.2
Too much 'squeezing in more students' has been done already.
248 Student government could be a great and wonderful thing
College Eye 57:21, p.2
Better goals need to be set by the student government.
249 SCI in no present position to sustain honors program
College Eye 57:20, p.2
Opposed to the honors program.
250 Would not independent study be a better learning device?
College Eye 57:19, p.2
Students should be able to earn credit hours by learning on their own.