Teacher Education

Displaying 651 - 700 of 1019 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
651 Growing demand for teachers
Public Relations News Release 1929:115, p.1
A new four year bachelor's degree in music education is available. A faculty list is given.
652 Women may have invaded
Public Relations News Release 1929:107, p.1
More and more men are taking up teaching as a profession.
653 Pres. Latham presents policies to faculty; Training School, a measure of efficiency
College Eye 20:3, p.1
Outlines views on the mission of ISTC and the Training School.
654 Should we be more practical
College Eye 18:53, p.4
Editorial states that I. S. T. C. is a practical school that produces a practical teacher.
655 Annual conference here this week
College Eye 18:21, p.1
Will host tenth annual consolidated schools conference.
656 Courses of study
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.93
Description of the early curriculum and the early graduates of the Normal School.
657 The classroom teacher professionalism
College Eye 17:34, p.4
Suggests students be given more information about what teaching will be like before they graduate from college.
658 Alvin W. Hoyt
College Eye 17:23, p.3
Teacher training students and other school teachers will be guests at a conference of Congregational Sunday school workers.
659 President Seerley inspires audience in Sunday sermon; says this will be a jubilee year
College Eye 17:14, p.1
Text of his address; brief history of teacher training in Iowa.
660 675 students now taking American Government course; work of department greatly expanded due to new state regulation
College Eye 16:29, p.1
Because of new state regulations, more instructors are slated to teach American Government courses.
661 Great demand for teachers with B. A.; over supply of students with two year courses
College Eye 16:27, p.2
Due to an overabundance of would-be teachers with two-year degrees, students are urged to continue in the four-year program.
662 Editorially speaking
College Eye 15:3, p.4
Encouraged by higher numbers of men enrolled; believes T. C. is getting recognition for its teaching program.
663 For those of us who have a vision
College Eye 14:52, p.1
Claims that many summer school students are under-qualified to become teachers.
664 What will make teaching a profession?
College Eye 14:47, p.1
Urges students to pursue a bachelor's degree.
665 Seniors adopt resolution opposing article
College Eye 14:45, p.2
Senior B. A. class disagrees with article in College Eye concerning the preparation of high school teachers.
666 On this page
College Eye 14:45, p.2
Editor speaks in defense of article printed concerning I. S. T. C.'s preparation of high school teachers.
667 Matters of opinion; the inefficiency of Teachers College in the preparation of high school teachers
College Eye 14:43, p.4
While I. S. T. C. is haled for its success in its rural education and extension program, Frances Wheeler believes that I. S. T. C. programs are inadequate for producing high school teachers.
668 What happens to the teacher of high caliber
College Eye 14:43, p.4
Claims that mediocre teachers are more highly desired.
669 Old exam methods relegated; experience will be rewarded by new teaching bill
College Eye 14:42, p.1
Outline of new Indiana method.
670 Amy F. Arey
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.3
Amy F. Arey spends one week in San Antonio, Texas to speak at a teacher's institute.
671 Dr. F. N. Mead
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.7
Doctor F. N. Mead delivers a series of sexual education lectures over the summer term in the benefit high school teachers.
672 Why I am becoming educated
College Eye 13:28, p.4
Believes that a college education is important if one wants to do more than teach in a rural school.
673 The Carnegie Survey of Missouri
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.2
Report is discredit to teacher training schools around the country.
674 J. A. Miles
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.3
J. A. Miles, Senior Inspector of the Educational Department of Western Australia, spent May 14-21 visiting the college looking into rural teacher training and consolidated schools.
675 State Board of Education of Vermont
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.2
Three state normal schools are going to be abolished in Vermont. State Board of Education of Vermont members Milo B. Hellegas, Johnson, and Hewitt came to Iowa to study the college at Cedar Falls.
676 The student teacher controversy
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.1
Citizens protested the action of the school board to allow seniors to do training work in city schools.
677 Teachers College credited with 322 special teachers
College Eye 10:20, p.1
Extract from Iowa Educational Directory shows specialized fields of ISTC alumni.
678 Student critique; social dance as a factor in training at Teachers College
College Eye 10:18, p.2
Believes ISTC should not allow social dancing on campus.
679 Students, then teachers?
College Eye 9:5, p.4
Description of what students need to do before they can become teachers.
680 Training facilities in teaching
Alumni News Letter 1:1, p.1
Teachers in training can practice teaching in Cedar Falls, Hudson, Orange, Jesup, and Waterloo, and the townships of Union, Cedar Falls, Waterloo, Bennington, and Lincoln.
681 Thirty years
Quarterly News Letter to the Alumni 0:0, p.1
Training of teachers has improved over the past thirty years.
682 "The signs of the times"
College Eye 7:31, p.4
T. C. is earning a reputation as a school that trains teachers well.
683 Changes of the year
Quarterly News Letter to the Alumni 0:0, p.2
Recitations and lab hours are changed and building hours lengthened; student work at rural independent school districts and study centers is continuing; faculty are assisting with two day county teachers' institutes.
684 Official Notes
College Eye 3:20, p.334
News of controversy at University of Illinois; Professor Hart will arrive March 1; Professor Dick will visit other teacher training institutions.
685 Official Notes
College Eye 3:4, p.72
News notes of important faculty and school matters; Professor Loughridge is in Germany; new classes in home economics organized; library crowded; enrollment is over 1300; Professor Campbell studying rural schools.
686 The Department of Training in Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.48
Describes the curriculum for the various areas of the department.
687 The Department of Training in Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.229
Synopsis of what the Department of Training in Teaching does, and whom it is specifically designed to help.
688 Primary
Old Gold 0:0, p.135
Description of primary department.
689 The Special Primary Girls
Old Gold 0:0, p.137
Poem; photo of senior primary teachers and photos from reading classes; students put on a play.
690 Official; the Iowa State Teachers Association. Fifty-fourth annual session
Normal Eyte 19:10, p.145
To be held in Des Moines; Normalites will hold reunion and banquet; Normal School is preparing teachers for all levels of grade and high school teaching.
691 Professional; pupil, teacher, and teaching in the middle grades; XXXI--retrospect and prospect
Normal Eyte 18:33, p.523
Reviews what was covered over the year.
692 Professional; pupil, teacher, and teaching in the middle grades; XXX--the eighth year
Normal Eyte 18:32, p.503
Continues discussion of using poems to teach children.
693 Professional; pupil, teacher, and teaching in the middle grades; XXIV-- the eighth year
Normal Eyte 18:31, p.487
Covers how to discuss a poem with eighth grade students.
694 Professional; pupil, teacher, and teaching in the middle grades; XXVIII--the seventh year
Normal Eyte 18:30, p.474
The seventh year is more about development than growth.
695 Professional; pupil, teacher, and teaching in the middle grades; XXVII--the seventh year
Normal Eyte 18:29, p.455
Profiles a student in the seventh grade.
696 Professional; pupil, teacher, and teaching in the middle grades; XXVI--the seventh year
Normal Eyte 18:28, p.438
Profiles a student in the seventh grade.
697 Professional; pupil, teacher, and teaching in the middle grades; XXII--the sixth year
Normal Eyte 18:24, p.375
Profiles a student in the sixth grade.
698 Professional; pupil, teacher, and teaching in the middle grades; XX--the sixth year
Normal Eyte 18:23, p.359
Profiles a student in the sixth grade.
699 Professional; pupil, teacher, and teaching in the middle grades; XIX--the sixth year
Normal Eyte 18:22, p.343
During the sixth year, geography is an important subject.
700 The lectures in the Training Department
Normal Eyte 18:20, p.305
Lectures attracting attention; opportunity to see and understand model lesson plans.