
Displaying 1 - 50 of 987 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Panel discusses race in the classroom
Northern Iowan 115:45, p.4
Classroom Conversations on Race: A Panel Discussion was held on March 28 in Maucker Union. Panelists included professors Carissa Froyum, Anna Kogl, Abbylynn Helgevold, and Gaetane Jean-Marie; photo.
2 Dealing with racism in class
Northern Iowan 112:48, p.1

The workshop "Dealing with Racist and Other Inappropriate Comments in the Classroom" included panelists Stephanie Logan, Victoria DeFrancisco, Susan Hill, and Karen Mitchell; photos.

3 Courage comes with teaching profession
Northern Iowan 112:20, p.5

In the author's opinion, teachers have difficult jobs, care about their students, and make a difference in the world; photos.

4 Study abroad offers trip to Tanzania
Northern Iowan 111:17, p.1
Students are able to take a ten day trip to Tanzania as part of UNI's Study Abroad program; photo.
5 Physical education M.A. to be offered entirely online through UNI
Public Relations News Release 2014:48, p.1
UNI is now accepting applications for its Master of Arts in physical education program that begins in Spring of 2015. The program uses a cohort model in which a group of students moves through the six-semester course sequence together.
6 UNI to offer Education of the Gifted Endorsement entirely online
Public Relations News Release 2013:286, p.1
UNI is accepting applications for its state-approved online Education of the Gifted Endorsement program which begins fall 2014. Courses will be completed in two semesters and are offered entirely online via eLearning.
7 UNI to offer new health education endorsement courses online and on campus
Public Relations News Release 2013:279, p.1
UNI is accepting applications for courses leading to the Iowa Secondary School Health Education Teaching Endorsement. Anyone with a current Iowa teaching certificate can take state-approved courses to earn this endorsement.
8 A welcome from the Dean of the College of Education
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.
Dean Dwight Watson welcomes new students to the university and the College of Education.
9 Let's say goodbye to lectures
Northern Iowan 110:31, p.4
The author feels that lecture-based classes are not the best way for students to learn. Students can only focus for short periods of time, so interactive learning would be better for students. It may be more work, but ultimately it would be beneficial.
10 Teaching to the test is the enemy of real learning
Northern Iowan 109:46, p.4
Author says that the No Child Left Behind Act is "one-size-fits-all." All students are different. When students are given a standardized test, they are given a "one-size-fits-all" test. It is unfair to students that learn differently from the norm.
11 Teachers need to understand Generation Why
Northern Iowan 109:42, p.4
Author acknowledges the differences between current generations and how to better accommodate these differences in the classroom. She proposes a challenge to teachers to find ways to engage and connect with their students.
12 Peter Seldin to present lecture on teaching evaluation at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2012:135, p.1
Peter Seldin, expert on evaluating teaching, to give lecture, "College Teaching: Myths, Evaluation and the Characteristics of Great Teachers". Lecture will address changing practices and nationwide study of practices.
13 UNI service-learning project supports literacy needs of orphanages
Public Relations News Release 2011:276, p.1
Students are working on a service learning project that helps children's literacy needs in orphanages in Haiti and Panama.
14 UNI Continuing & Distance Education to offer endorsement in the education of the gifted
Public Relations News Release 2009:493, p.1
Graduate students holding a current Iowa teaching certificate, or approved equivalent, may take the state-approved sequence of four courses to earn their endorsement.
15 University Book & Supply recognizes excellence in non-tenured faculty
Public Relations News Release 2009:436, p.1
The award recognizes outstanding teaching skills and contributions to their professions by faculty members who have not yet been awarded tenure. It includes a $1,000 cash gift and is administered through the UNI Foundation. Faculty members listed.
16 Saluting Educators--National Teacher Day May 4
UNI has graduated more than 17,000 teachers worldwide

Public Relations News Release 2009:433, p.1
This year, UNI will graduate more than 500 new teachers. According to Mary Herring and Melissa Heston, there have been many changes in the teaching profession; but the program is still focused on graduating highly effective teachers.
17 UNI's TEAM invites fourth, fifth and sixth graders to explore and have fun at Math Fair
Public Relations News Release 2009:297, p.1
Teaching Educators About Mathematics (TEAM) student organization will host its fourth-annual Math Fair in Maucker Union. The Math Fair provides elementary students with an opportunity to experience mathematics through fun, hands-on activities.
18 UNI names Teaching in Iowa Incentive Award winners
Award recognizes outstanding UNI graduates who stay in Iowa for first teaching job

Public Relations News Release 2009:180, p.1
Three new Iowa teachers, all recent graduates have received the award. They are Erin Frank, Amy Kohlhaas, and Tara Peska. Rex and Kathy Eno established the Teaching in Iowa Incentive Fund with the UNI Foundation to keep quality teachers in Iowa.
19 U. S. Secretary of Education visits UNI and speaks about education reform
Duncan: Great teachers make the difference in student learning

Public Relations News Release 2008:497, p.1
Duncan's top priorities focus on strong teaching and student learning through student data systems, teacher and administrator evaluation systems and identifying underperforming schools.
20 Kappa Delta Pi members to conduct Challenge of Teaching Conference Friday, April 24
Public Relations News Release 2008:483, p.1
The conference is designed to help the high school participants make informed choices about their futures as they explore the idea of becoming a teacher. KDP has been hosting the conference for 20 years.
21 Hari Shankar Memorial Lecture to be held at UNI April 14
Public Relations News Release 2008:450, p.1
"The Iowa Core Curriculum for K-12 Mathematics: Important Mathematics, Effective Teaching and Deep Learning" will be the topic of the lecture. Eric Hart, adjunct associate professor of mathematics at Maharishi University will explore the math part of ICC.
22 UNI names Teaching in Iowa Incentive Award winners
Award recognizes outstanding UNI graduates who stay in Iowa for first teaching job

Public Relations News Release 2008:268, p.1
The award recognizes outstanding student teachers who elect to accept their first teaching position in Iowa and who are passionate about education.
23 Teachers at Malcolm Price Lab School share expertise
Public Relations News Release 2007:564, p.1
A "Rigor and Relevance" workshop for teachers will be held April 10 by University of Northern Iowa faculty.
24 University faculty prepare Regent Universities Mathematics Transitions Guide
Public Relations News Release 2007:563, p.1
Last November, state educators, legislators and business leaders met to discuss the challenges facing students and teachers in mathematics.
25 University of Northern Iowa to host National Educator Expo
Public Relations News Release 2007:553, p.1
The National Educator Expo will be held April 12.
26 Three UNI faculty return from Mexican immersion experience
Public Relations News Release 2007:426, p.1
Janet McClain, Katheryn East, and Kimberly Knesting recently traveled to Villachuato, Mexico with seven other Iowa education professors and district and school administrators.
27 Self-esteem criticized in education
Northern Iowan 104:4, p.9
Professors and students disagree on the promotion of self-esteem in the classroom; photo.
28 UNI's role in addressing a gloomy outlook for math and science
Northern Iowan 103:52, p.6
The goals of UNI, Board of Regents, and the State of Iowa include; improving math and science skills in students, preparing more high-quality teachers, and bridging the gap among K-12, community colleges and universities; photo.
29 Cut your teacher some slack
Northern Iowan 103:31, p.7
Student teacher realizes that even professors and teachers have bad days. Urges students to work hard on schoolwork during the week, so that they can enjoy the events on or off campus on the weekends.
30 UNI hosts Iowa Writing Project Summer Institute
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Program shows teachers how to teach writing to many different kinds of students.
31 UNI offers children's literature workshops for educators
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Workshops will take place at the Rod Library July 11 throught July 14.
32 High school students interested in teaching to participate in "Challenge" at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Education honor society Kappa Delta Pi hosts event on campus to show prospective teachers what teaching entails.
33 End of semester evaluations for all of UNI
Northern Iowan 102:46, p.7
Believes students should think carefully about what they want in the way of education.
34 NISG passes resolution in support of salary increase for teachers
Northern Iowan 102:40, p.5
Supports thirty million dollar increase for Iowa teachers.
35 Teacher Institute at UNI's Price Laboratory School, Feb. 17
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Professional teacher-education conference will take place at Price Laboratory.
36 Student government defeats teacher pay resolution
Northern Iowan 102:35, p.1
General idea of increased funding for teacher pay accepted, but wording discouraged some from supporting resolution; photo.
37 Teaching overseas creates learning experiences for UNI students
Northern Iowan 102:35, p.13
Teaching abroad provides unique experiences and shows employers diverse experiences; photo.
38 T. A.s are vital to professors, students
Northern Iowan 102:33, p.7
Teaching assistants help around campus in many ways including grading tests and taking attendance; photo.
39 CourseCasting creates capability for lectures via iPods
Northern Iowan 102:33, p.9
New technology allows students to download lectures from their classes and listen to them at their convenience; photo.
40 Fridays with Koob
Northern Iowan 102:32, p.1
President Robert Koob discusses what he thinks would help keep Iowa graduates in the state; photo.
41 Teachers must be open-minded, have hope in the system
Northern Iowan 102:31, p.8
Kari Jo Roberts tries to combat Heather Meinecke's negative outlook on change in education.
42 Iowa teachers rank near bottom of pay scale; UNI education majors seen alternatives in other states.
Northern Iowan 102:30, p.1
Students and graduates are frustrated by low teacher pay in Iowa, a state that values education; photo.
43 Fridays with Koob
Northern Iowan 102:30, p.1
President Robert Koob discusses changes he would like to see concerning Iowa education; photo.
44 New Zealand educators to present seminar, speak at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Judy Knott and Mary McDonald will present a half-day seminar at the Schindler Education Center.
45 For education majors, Grassley visit prompts questions, discussion
Northern Iowan 102:23, p.1
US Senator Chuck Grassley visited UNI last Friday and spoke to a Human Relations class; photo.
46 How to get higher-quality education
Northern Iowan 102:7, p.7
Believes that the only way to get high quality teachers into lower quality schools is to offer them more money, and have a more competitive field.
47 Can't learn anything sleeping in class
Northern Iowan 102:6, p.7
Praises instructors who keep class interesting because that is where the most learning takes place.
48 History professor recalls his past, present
Northern Iowan 102:2, p.15
Professor Robert Dise reflects on his youth, deciding his profession, and changes he has observed over his years of teaching.
49 Institute helps develop local elementary math curriculum
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Summer institute will teach Waterloo Community School District math teachers how to be more effective in teaching computation to children in the first and second grades.
50 Seminar develops presentation skills for artists, educators
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Two day workshop will help artists learn to convey information to teachers.