Tuition and Fees

Displaying 1 - 50 of 908 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Food and financial insecurity
Northern Iowan 118:40, p.3
Lennon Janes gives their opinion on food and financial insecurity of students at the university; photo.
2 UNI most expensive public university in Iowa
Northern Iowan 118:39, p.3
Glenn Gray gives their opinion on UNI's current low enrollment and how changes should be made to better serve the taxpayers and students paying for UNI; photo.
3 College calculators aren't precise, but they could easily be made better
Northern Iowan 118:24, p.3
Authors from the Iowa Capitol Dispatch discusses the benefits and proposed improvements to college cost calculators; photo.
4 College debt effects on students
Northern Iowan 118:15, p.3
Opinion columnist Sierra Christensen discusses the effects of student loan debts on students; photo.
5 CRRSAA funds to be distributed soon
Northern Iowan 117:37, p.1
More than 3,300 UNI students (approximately one-third of spring enrollment) will receive COVID-19 relief funding as part of the latest federal aid package available through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) and distributed through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II). $1,000-1,200 grants will be directly distributed to students with exceptional need based upon their Expected Family Contribution (EFC) in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); photo.
6 DOR preps for recontracting, updates
Northern Iowan 116:31, p.2
The Department of Residence announced a number of changes to student housing, including starting the recontracting process in the spring instead of fall, the institution of a mixed community option for different classes of students, the reopening of Dancer Hall. Additionally, student dining will see changes including continuous hours for Piazza and Rialto dining centers and a new meal plan option. Prices will not be increasing; photo.
7 LTE: Board of Regents must listen to its students
Northern Iowan 116:27, p.3
The Iowa Student Action organization sends an open letter to the Board of Regents in regards to the rise of tuition and its effects on minority communities.
8 2019-2020 Student Fee proposal
Northern Iowan 115:54, p.2
After being met with resistance from students and review by the Board of Regents and President Nook, the Student Fee Committee sent its official proposal to the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) on April 30, including a $90,000 re-allocation to fund the Panther Shuttle and SafeRide, which were originally cut; photo.
9 Stand up for public transportation
Northern Iowan 115:52, p.3
Stekl argues in favor of continuing the public transportation services Panther Shuttle and Safe Ride for students, which the Student Fees Committee of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) voted to cut; photos.
10 Iowa Democratic Party chair hosts roundtable
Northern Iowan 115:4, p.2
Troy Price, chair of the Iowa Democratic Party, held a roundtable discussion to address student concerns about education in Iowa; photo.
11 University tuition increase affects social mobility
Northern Iowan 115:2, p.3
In the author's opinion, tuition increases are making Iowa's public universities less affordable to lower-income and middle-class students; photos.
12 Board of Regents approve tuition hike
Northern Iowan 115:1, p.4

The Iowa Board of Regents have approved a 2.8 percent tuition increase.

13 UNI tuition to climb for the 2018-2019 school year
Northern Iowan 114:53, p.2
The UNI is proposing a 2.8% tuition increase after the Board of Regents suggested a 2-4% increase for all regent universities.
14 Gov. candidate talks state funding
Northern Iowan 114:17, p.2
Governor candidate, John Norris, discuses his campaign plan, including how he plans to help students with the tuition increases and student loans; photo.
15 Nook's State of the University Address
Northern Iowan 114:8, p.1
UNI President, Mark Nook, gives his first annual State of the University Address. Nook talks about the state of our athletic and education departments, as well as the budget cuts from the State; photo.
16 Tuition Task Force devises tuition plans
Northern Iowan 114:5, p.1
The Tuition Task Force met at UNI to discuss the suggested tuition increase for the next school year; photo.
17 LTE: Marketing prof calls for tuition solutions
Northern Iowan 114:3, p.3
In a Letter to the Editor, Dennis Clayson, gives a response to the article on August 24, "Reynolds criticizes tuition hikes". Clayson thinks politicians and administrators should not ask for more tuition hikes and instead cut the cost of "extras' that students may or may not use; photo.
18 Reynolds criticizes tuition hikes
Northern Iowan 114:1, p.4
Governor Kim Reynolds is against the tuition spike of Iowa's three public universities. UNI President Mark Nook's plan to lower the burden on students involves gaining state funding; photo.
19 Will UI, ISU pay for UNI athletics?
Northern Iowan 112:39, p.1

State Senator David Johnson proposed a Senate bill that would direct funds from the University of Iowa and Iowa State University to UNI athletics; photos.

20 Panther PAC combats inadequate funding
Northern Iowan 112:36, p.1

The newly-formed non-partisan, independent Panther Political Action Committee (Panther PAC) supports the university and endorsing state candidates who will advocate for UNI. The group is especially concerned with the legislature's funding disparity between UNI and the other Regents universities; photos.

21 NISG debates psychiatric charge
Northern Iowan 112:36, p.3

Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) members Alex Stepanek and Parker Bennett write about NISG's discussions on the proposed change in billing for psychiatric services at the Student Health Center and its resolution to seek more information; photo.

22 Guest column: Growing discontent with the NI
Northern Iowan 112:33, p.3

In Massey's opinion, the student-funded Northern Iowan has published inaccurate and poorly-reported pieces, especially on the topics of Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) president Katie Evans and tuition increases.

23 Charges for mental health services proposed
Northern Iowan 112:31, p.2

In order to hire additional staff to meet student needs, the Student Health Center has proposed billing students for psychiatric care, a currently free service; photo.

24 Write essays for easy money
Northern Iowan 112:26, p.3

Students can fill out UNI's Scholarship Application to be considered for a variety of scholarships.

25 Guest column: "free tuition" myth cause for concern
Northern Iowan 112:24, p.3

In response to the November 5 Northern Iowan article "Hit by a car? No free tuition," Heppeard discusses pedestrian traffic and stressors on college students that may lead them to risk their health and safety, including rising costs of tuition, anxiety, and depression. 

26 Trouble with ticket policy
Northern Iowan 112:16, p.2

UNI athletics has implemented a new policy requiring students to reserve event tickets ahead of a game instead of obtaining them at the entrance.

27 President addresses tuition increase
Northern Iowan 112:14, p.4

Student body president Katie Evans discusses why she supported a tuition increase.

28 Columnist misses the mark on tuition 'truth'
Northern Iowan 112:13, p.3

The author criticizes Gabe Gravert's October 5 Northern Iowan column, "The truth about your college tuition." Cobb supports expanded access to higher education and Bernie Sanders's free college tuition plan; photos.

29 The truth about your college tuition
Northern Iowan 112:11, p.3

Gravert discusses student loans and the rising cost of college, an issue receiving increased attention by presidential candidates. In the author's opinion, a solution would be to decrease loan amounts. Gravert also draws attention to the student debt incurred from for-profit colleges; photos.

30 All staff opinion column: what does the recent tuition hike mean for UNI?
Northern Iowan 112:10, p.3

The Northern Iowan staff members Hannah Carr-Murphy, Jesse Moeller, Abbi Cobb, and Michael Jackson give their opinions on the recently-approved mid-year tuition increase; photos.

31 UNI student debt on steady decline; enrollment to increase
Northern Iowan 112:9, p.2

UNI is seeing a decrease in student debt and an increase in enrollment.

32 President Evans approves of spring 2016 tuition increase
Northern Iowan 112:7, p.1

Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) approved a $100 mid-year tuition increase. NISG president Katie Evans says the money is necessary to maintain UNI's quality of education considering smaller state appropriations. The student body has mixed reactions concerning the rise; photo. 

33 Distinguishing Bernie Sanders from Hillary
Northern Iowan 112:6, p.3

In a letter to the editor, Peterson compares presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, supporting Sanders.

34 Unfair student teaching fees
Northern Iowan 111:47, p.4
Corey Cooling shares his opinion on the student teaching fees; photo.
35 The Board of Regents' freeze: a political ploy that hurts students, universities
Northern Iowan 111:26, p.4
Student Corey Cooling discusses the recent decision to freeze undergraduate tuition and what that means for students attending the university.
36 Ruud Reports
Northern Iowan 111:25, p.2
UNI president Bill Ruud answers some hot questions around campus and shares his personal opinion on current events.
37 Unprecedented third consecutive tuition freeze approved
Northern Iowan 111:25, p.1
A third tuition freeze for resident undergraduate students was approved unanimously by the Board of Regents.
38 Follow-up on Student Services Fee
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.3
Corrects a statement made about the Student Services Fee that was printed in the April 28 issue of the Northern Iowan.
39 More transparency needed for SSF. Administration should re-examine fee process
Northern Iowan 110:54, p.4
Author would like an to know why President Ruud approved an additional $25 to the Student Services Fee for athletics without the recommendation of the Student Service Fee Committee. The student body also recommended against the additional fee; photo
40 Budget approval means tuition freeze for UNI
Northern Iowan 110:54, p.2
The Iowa House and Senate approved a $986 million education budget that includes a four percent funding increase for the three Regent universities. An additional $2.625 million in special funding will allow UNI to freeze tuition for next academic year.
41 Shuttle running out of steam
Northern Iowan 110:54, p.1
UNI's Panther Shuttle may be in jeopardy next year. For the past three years funding has been $30,000 in the red according to Thomas Madsen, former NISG president. The complexes have not signed the revised contracts to pay for advertising on the shuttle.
42 Additonal funding for UNI approved
Public Relations News Release 2013:264, p.1
Iowa House and Senate approved a 4 percent funding increase for each of Iowa's public universities along with an additional $2.6 million in special funding to UNI's base in recognition of its reliance on state funding.
43 Madsen reflects on student services fee decision
Northern Iowan 110:50, p.1
Thomas Madsen and Blake Findley approved the Board of Regents' request to remove $25 of funding for athletics from the General Education Fund. This money will be converted to the Student Services Fee fund. Some argue this may not be the right decision.
44 Alumni aid in cost of tuition
Northern Iowan 110:47, p.1
The UNI Foundation accepts donations from alumni and friends. The donations go toward scholarships and program funding, as well as other improvements to the university; photo.
45 Students face financial woes
Northern Iowan 110:46, p.1
Many students are having taking out large loans to attend school. The national student debt is increasing each year. Students can visit the Financial Aid office for advise on how to reduce debt; photo.
46 This week in UNI history
Northern Iowan 110:38, p.4
The article informs readers of several events that took place at this time in UNI history. The information is from Rod Library Special Collections and University Archives.
47 New Pew study discovers how students pay for higher education
Northern Iowan 110:36, p.1
A study by the Pew Research Center concluded that most college students pay for tuition through scholarships and their parents' income and savings. On average, UNI students graduate with less undergraduate debt than the national average; photo.
48 Sen. Hatch starts new campaign
Northern Iowan 110:34, p.1
As re-election season comes closer, Senator Jack Hatch has joined the race for governor. He believes that there needs to be more focus on funding for higher education. He supports Branstad's initiatives to help veterans, and wants to expand them.
49 Branstad's budget hits UNI issues
Northern Iowan 110:28, p.1
UNI will receive an extra $8 million for the next two fiscal years, if Governor Branstad's 2015 budget is passed. This is not as much as UNI requested. Branstad also requested $32.9 million to renovate Schindler Education Center; photo.
50 President Ruud expresses appreciation for Governor's support of tuition freeze
Public Relations News Release 2013:155, p.1
President Ruud expresses his thanks to Governor Branstad for the budget recommendations in support of UNI. This will allow UNI to freeze tuition for its second consecutive year. The Governor also supported the $2 million renovation of Schindler.