Tuition and Fees
Displaying 151 - 200 of 908 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
151 | E-checks offer new way to pay E-bill Northern Iowan 104:2, p.5 |
Students can now pay their university bills online; via MyUniverse. | |
152 | Can't we catch a break? Northern Iowan 103:44, p.7 |
Spring break expectations, thoughts on the energy surcharge, and students first. | |
153 | FAFSA: an often untapped source of money for students Northern Iowan 103:41, p.1 |
Free application for federal student aid (FAFSA) forms need to be completed each year. UNI students are missing out on potential financial help. Process explained; photo. | |
154 | Unopposed, but campaigning nonetheless Northern Iowan 103:37, p.1 |
Andrew Morse and Adam Bentley share their message and goals for UNI as candidates for President and Vice President of the student body; photo. | |
155 | Undergrad tuition to increase by 5.2 percent next year Northern Iowan 103:24, p.4 |
Board of Regents will vote on a proposed tuition raise of 5.2 percent at their December meeting; photo. | |
156 | Board of Regents to meet November 8 and 9 at ISU Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
Regents will consider several issues relating to UNI | |
157 | UNI forms Energy Committee Northern Iowan 103:17, p.4 |
An energy surcharge on students has caused energy conservation to be an important campus topic. President Allen formed a broad-based committee charged with educating the community and performing an energy audit, among other duties. | |
158 | "Energy surcharge" took many students by surprise Northern Iowan 103:3, p.1 |
Many students were unaware of the energy surcharge until they received their August university bill. | |
159 | Money well spent? Northern Iowan 102:59, p.6 |
Writer questions need for trip to Hawaii for two UNI employees in view of recent energy surcharge applied to students fees. | |
160 | Student issues Northern Iowan 102:59, p.6 |
NISG president and vice president share concerns about increasing tuition and fees; urge contact with legislators. | |
161 | NISG update Northern Iowan 102:58, p.3 |
NISG executive activities noted. | |
162 | Computer fees explained Northern Iowan 102:51, p.8 |
Factual information presented concerning computer fees. | |
163 | Computer fees a mystery Northern Iowan 102:49, p.8 |
Critical of computer and building fees. | |
164 | UNI students head to capitol; lobbying to keep tuition costs down Northern Iowan 102:39, p.5 |
Students traveled to Des Moines to gain support for the Transformation for Excellence program. | |
165 | New bill reducing national deficit puts college students in debt Northern Iowan 102:39, p.4 |
Regents universities will lobby to prevent reductions in student aid. | |
166 | NISG president and VP candidates Holly Ross and Brock Toll Northern Iowan 102:38, p.1 |
Brock Toll and Holly Ross believe experience and dedication to students makes them good candidates; photo. | |
167 | Regents/legislators need to cut us a break Northern Iowan 102:30, p.6 |
Jonathan Whalley feels that the Board of Regents and Iowa legislators are to blame for rising tuition costs. | |
168 | Consolidate loans before it's too late Northern Iowan 102:29, p.6 |
C. Victoria Patrick warns students about legislation affecting their loans. | |
169 | Board of Regents approves 4 percent tuition hike Northern Iowan 102:28, p.1 |
Tuition increase not as severe as in recent years; photo. | |
170 | Fridays with Koob Northern Iowan 102:28, p.1 |
President Robert Koob discusses rising tuition; photo. | |
171 | Regents approve tuition increases for three state universities Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
Tuition increases will take place at all three Iowa Regents universities next year. | |
172 | Student forum brings legislators to UNI Northern Iowan 102:26, p.1 |
Members of the General Assembly talked with students about issues such as tuition and teaching; photo. | |
173 | Koob, Murphy think proposed tuition increases 'reasonable' Northern Iowan 102:21, p.1 |
Tuition increases for the next school year are slated to be 5.5 percent, other issues including the selection of a new president also discussed; photo. | |
174 | Ahead of BOR meeting, students worry about money Northern Iowan 102:21, p.1 |
Tuition for the next school year is expected to be 5.5 percent higher than this year. With this increase, UNI's tuition will be higher than tuition at the University of Iowa and Iowa State University. | |
175 | E-bills still due Nov. 7 Northern Iowan 102:20, p.3 |
Students must pay their e-bill or they will be fined and will not be able to register for fall classes. | |
176 | Where does your tuition money go? Who the money is spent on and why it increases Northern Iowan 101:56, p.1 |
Information on the breakdown of the mandatory fees is provided; photo. | |
177 | Board of Regents to meet June 13 and 14 Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Schedule of topics that will be discussed at the meeting. | |
178 | Murphy-Fahmy only qualified candidates Northern Iowan 101:39, p.9 |
Urges students to research all the candidates and then support Joe Murphy and Tarek Fahmy. | |
179 | 'Northern' creates stigma for UNI Northern Iowan 101:39, p.7 |
Feels UNI is at a disadvantage due to the name containing a direction. | |
180 | Candidates prepare for next week's election Northern Iowan 101:38, p.1 |
Pat Grassley and Kevin Willms' platform includes tuition reform, creating an online classroom directory, increasing attendance at sporting and cultural events, offering alternative book purchasing options, and extending Thanksgiving break; photo. | |
181 | NISG debate sparks discussion about platform issues, election Northern Iowan 101:38, p.1 |
The Political Science Society's sponsored debate of the candidates for NISG election allowed each group of candidates a two minute response to each question along with time for rebuttal. | |
182 | Tuition hikes inevitable unless changes occur Northern Iowan 101:35, p.1 |
The Board of Regents is proposing an increase of forty million dollars in state funding over the next four years for the three state universities. | |
183 | Panther Prowl winner Northern Iowan 101:26, p.1 |
Sophomore psychology major Ashley Charmichael wins the free semester tuition prize from the Panther Prowl promotion; photo. | |
184 | Tuition increase may prevent future double-digit raise Northern Iowan 101:25, p.4 |
The three state universities will see a roughly 4% increase in tuition in exchange for rates to increase along with the Higher Education Price Index in the future if bill is passed by General Assembly. | |
185 | Attendance raises significant questions Northern Iowan 101:23, p.8 |
Expresses disagreement with the school spirit argument for attending athletic contests and believes money spent by students for the Panther Pass should instead go toward academic pursuits. | |
186 | Board of Regents to decide on tuition increase next month Northern Iowan 101:21, p.1 |
Board of Regents likely to pass 4% tuition increase to take effect for the 2005-2006 academic year. | |
187 | $5,000 giveaway Northern Iowan 101:21, p.4 |
Thursdaze to give away $5000 for tuition. | |
188 | Student apathy abounds despite important issues Northern Iowan 101:19, p.5 |
Republication of an earlier article on how important it is for students to vote. | |
189 | Board of Regents to meet at UNI Nov. 3 and 4 Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Will discuss enrollment, fiscal report for 2004, Price Laboratory School enrollment, building and remodeling projects, residence report for 2004-2005, and tuition and fees. | |
190 | Lobby for your education Northern Iowan 101:13, p.1 |
Explanation of how students can take an active role in working for more state funding for the university; photo. | |
191 | Vote: THAT'S your patriotic duty Northern Iowan 101:12, p.5 |
Issues a call for 18- to 24-year olds to vote in the upcoming election. | |
192 | WRC hours cut due to reduced funding Northern Iowan 101:9, p.1 |
Wellness/Recreation Center forced to reduce operating hours for the first time due to budget cuts; new hours provided. | |
193 | Enrollment drops, but still above target number Northern Iowan 101:9, p.1 |
Enrollment for the fall is 12,824. | |
194 | Regents establish base tuition Northern Iowan 101:8, p.1 |
School administrators can then add to the base tuition to accommodate their own budgets. | |
195 | Tuition increases cause enrollment to drop Northern Iowan 101:5, p.2 |
Iowa Regents universities are experiencing lower enrollment rates, while state community colleges are enrolling more. | |
196 | Strapped for cash? Win a semester's worth of tuition Northern Iowan 101:5, p.1 |
Introduction of new Panther Prowl program, engineered to facilitate more student involvement with activities on campus in return for the chance to win a semester's tuition. | |
197 | Student organization funding $20,000 short Northern Iowan 101:3, p.4 |
NISG votes to allocate $20,232 to the Student Activity Accounts out of its own contingency fund due to a budget shortfall. | |
198 | Local Democrats fight for UNI students and education Northern Iowan 100:61, p.1 |
Three Cedar Falls area Democrats seeking positions representing Cedar Falls in the Iowa Senate and House of Representatives meet with student government representatives. | |
199 | Tuition Opportunity makes higher education a reality Northern Iowan 100:58, p.1 |
The new Tuition Opportunity Program for Iowans seeks to aid low-income families by coordinating scholarships and grants to pay for four years worth of tuition; photo. | |
200 | UNI begins Tuition Opportunity Program for Iowans; pledges assistance to needy students Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
UNI coordinates grant and scholarship opportunities to fully cover tuition and related fees for up to four years for financially needy students. |