Tuition and Fees

Displaying 201 - 250 of 908 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Board of Regents to meet May 18 and 19
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Agenda for meeting.
202 NI year in news
Northern Iowan 100:55, p.1
Recap of news stories and photographs from the 2003-2004 school year; photo.
203 U-bills moving to electronic version in August
Northern Iowan 100:52, p.1
Although students will be billed electronically beginning in September 2004, payments will still need either to be mailed or brought to the office; photo.
204 Student activity fee now $190
Northern Iowan 100:51, p.1
Board of Regents approves readjustment of the Student Activity Fee.
205 Omnibus Bill proposes level funding, renovation bonds
Northern Iowan 100:47, p.1
Description of the Republican state legislative plan for the 2005 budget.
206 Not enough time for the 'best years of our lives'
Northern Iowan 100:45, p.7
Expresses concern at the amount of work and responsibility shouldered by college students in order to pay bills, tuition, and loans.
207 Library budget proposal looks to student activity fee
Northern Iowan 100:44, p.1
Rod Library seeks to address budget problems by requesting funds from the Student Activity Fee Committee; photo.
208 Platteville slashes out-of-state expense
Northern Iowan 100:42, p.1
The University of Wisconsin-Platteville offers new tuition rates to students from Iowa and Illinois in order to attract out-of-state students seeking professional degrees.
209 Board of Regents to meet March 10
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
UNI issues to be discussed.
210 From your senate: learn to lobby for education
Northern Iowan 100:41, p.5
Highlights strategies to use in influencing state legislators to make public postsecondary education a higher priority.
211 NISG President looks back at year's progress
Northern Iowan 100:39, p.4
NISG President Emiliano Lerda's February activities are given; photo.
212 BOR to extend tuition deadline
Northern Iowan 100:39, p.1
Due to inconsistencies in tuition hikes and state funding, the Board of Regents supports efforts to alter the policy in order to make more informed decisions.
213 Oh, what $19 million could do
Northern Iowan 100:39, p.7
Wonders what the university could accomplish if it were granted $19 million instead of having the Regents' budget cut that amount.
214 Students have 'capital' time in Des Moines
Northern Iowan 100:38, p.1
Students from Iowa Regents universities lobby at the Capitol for relief from budget cuts and tuition hikes.
215 Board of Regents to meet Feb. 18 and 19
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
UNI issues are discussed.
216 New scholarship programs for out-of-state students
Northern Iowa Today 88:1, p.18
Students may be eligible for Purple and Gold and Legacy Scholarships.
217 Four-year grad rate peaks at 33.5 percent
Northern Iowan 100:24, p.1
Several factors, including increased tuition and lowering of credit hour requirements, have lead to the increase in percentage over the last ten years.
218 Lack of state funding: 'substantial concern' with recent cut
Northern Iowan 100:22, p.1
State funding decreased; Board of Regents voted to raise tuition 8.3 percent for the 2004-2005 school year.
219 Board of Regents to approve tuition hike
Northern Iowan 100:21, p.1
Tuition will go up 8.3 percent next year, which will result in an increase of $403 for resident undergraduates. The total for tuition and fees for a year will be $5396.
220 Iowa columnist favors higher tuition
Northern Iowan 100:19, p.5
Feels comments made by Des Moines Register columnist concerning tuition were unfair.
221 UNI and Western Iowa Tech Community College to host town hall meeting
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
President Koob to attend and speak.
222 FYI: Tuition and fees
Northern Iowan 100:17, p.1
Explains how tuition money is spent; photo.
223 Board of Regents approves 8.3 percent tuition increase
Northern Iowan 100:15, p.1
Tuition increase could have been between thirteen and fifteen percent.
224 State legislature not getting message
Northern Iowan 100:13, p.7
Concerned that quality of higher education in Iowa is no longer a priority for the state legislature.
225 Proposal has tuition climbing the ladder
Northern Iowan 100:13, p.1
Tuition and fees are increasing by $471 for the 2004-2005 school year.
226 New building fee will pay bonds for Union, UNI-Dome
Northern Iowan 100:11, p.1
Building fees are no longer included in tuition; students are charged $90 per semester.
227 More credits to equal more cash?
Northern Iowan 100:8, p.7
Disagrees with differential tuition.
228 Iowa universities discuss possible tuition differentiation among majors
Northern Iowan 100:8, p.1
Some students may have to pay more tuition than other students, depending what their major is at UNI.
229 Board of Regents discusses future tuition options
Northern Iowan 100:6, p.1
No tuition increases have been proposed for next year yet; must be proposed by October meeting. The Board of Regents is asking that the tuition increase deadline be open for future discussion since appropriations are not determined until later.
230 Board of Regents to meet at ISU
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
UNI issues to be discussed by the Board of Regents outlined.
231 UNI administration to discuss budget issues and university benefits at town hall meeting
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Tuition increases and budget cuts to be discussed in the GBPAC's Jebe Hall.
232 You think you know UNI, but . . .
Northern Iowan 100:4, p.7
Attempts to dispel campus beliefs about budgets, sculpture, the Capstone Course, admissions standards, and parking..
233 Koob out of touch with the needs of student
Northern Iowan 100:3, p.10
Concerned about tuition hikes.
234 States of disarray
Northern Iowan 99:59, p.5
Laments the current money problems in Iowa and suggests the federal government should help.
235 Welcome freshmen?
Northern Iowan 99:56, p.5
Warns incoming students of the realities of campus construction, tuition increases, growing class sizes, and the availability of class sections.
236 Waving goodbye with a classy finger
Northern Iowan 99:55, p.7
Believe the state government is to blame for the tuition hikes that have taken place the last couple of years.
237 Grad student invites community to Campanile
Northern Iowan 99:55, p.9
Asks that the university community gather at the Campanile for a silent protest against increasing tuition and budget cuts.
238 NI year in review
Northern Iowan 99:55, p.1

Highlights from the year's big news stories; photo.

239 Student activity fee will increase in Fall '04
Northern Iowan 99:52, p.1
An increase of $88 will bring student activity fees to $190 for the 2004-2005 academic year.
240 Board of Regents nudges fees, boosts room and board
Northern Iowan 99:50, p.1
Iowa Board of Regents approved increases in certain non-mandatory student fees, parking stickers, and meal plans.
241 Board of Regents meeting at UNI April 10
Public Relations News Release 2002:436, p.1
Docket items are listed for the next Board of Regents meeting.
242 UNI students travel to State Capitol to ask for support
Public Relations News Release 2002:401, p.1
UNI students participated in lobbying efforts at the Capitol in Des Moines; students are listed.
243 Lobbying effort will continue, Wed. considered success
Northern Iowan 99:42, p.1
Several UNI students participated in lobbying effort in Des Moines to press for student issues; photo.
244 NISG statewide lobbying day set for March 5
Northern Iowan 99:40, p.1
NISG hopes to take at least fifty-five students to Des Moines to lobby for student issues, including rising tuition; photo.
245 Dealing with high-dollar tuition
Public Relations News Release 2002:328, p.1
Advice will be offered for how to deal with higher tuition costs.
246 NISG spring 2003 lobbying campaign; important facts and statistics
Northern Iowan 99:35, p.6
Key messages to the state legislature and supporting statistics are posted concerning recent tuition increases.
247 NISG rallies students to fight tuition hikes
Northern Iowan 99:35, p.1
NISG and other students will travel to Des Moines on March 5 to lobby for student issues; photo.
248 Panther Pass swells to include GBPAC
Northern Iowan 99:34, p.1
Proposed ten dollar increase in cost of mandatory Panther Pass will provide students with benefits at GBPAC; photo.
249 Student voices
Northern Iowan 99:34, p.9
Students respond to the question: What do you think about the mandatory Panther Pass being raised $10; photo.
250 Editor responds to half-court shocker
Northern Iowan 99:33, p.20
Comments on making a half-court shot for a semester of tuition and sends thanks to those involved.