Tuition and Fees
Displaying 301 - 350 of 908 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
301 | Student voices Northern Iowan 97:48, p.11 |
Students respond to the question "How is the tuition increase going to affect you?"; photo. | |
302 | Students to see tuition hikes Northern Iowan 97:47, p.1 |
Budget cuts could convince students to leave Iowa after graduation. | |
303 | Storm clouds on the horizon for university Northern Iowan 97:46, p.6 |
Discusses problems resulting from recent cuts made in the University's budget. | |
304 | UNI prepares protest against budget cuts Northern Iowan 97:44, p.1 |
Budget cuts could lead to an increase in tuition. | |
305 | Regents vote to increase tuition Northern Iowan 97:17, p.1 |
Increases in the base tuition, computer fee, and a new mandatory student fee will cause students to pay $310 more next year in tuition and fees. | |
306 | Students pay the price as U of I sides with Regents Northern Iowan 97:7, p.1 |
University of Iowa's student government president said he felt their position was different from that of other two Regent's universities; believes tuition increase was warranted; photo. | |
307 | Higher education may get higher price tag in 2001-02 school year Northern Iowan 97:5, p.1 |
Increases are expected next year in tuition, student activity fee, and student health fee. | |
308 | Student voices Northern Iowan 97:5, p.11 |
Students respond to the question, "What do you think of the possible tuition increase for next year?" | |
309 | NISG approves fee increase Northern Iowan 97:4, p.1 |
Northern Iowa Student Government passes a resolution recommending a $4 increase in the student computer fee. | |
310 | Students urged to make difference, cast votes Northern Iowan 97:3, p.9 |
Encourages students to vote for state legislators who will maintain UNI's level of funding. | |
311 | Summer is half gone, school is half here Northern Iowan 96:61, p.1 |
A reminder concerning changes in dining services and obtaining parking permits, along with the activities that are planned for the weekend before classes start; photo. | |
312 | Students first . . . right? Northern Iowan 96:56, p.4 |
Believes that the university administration has not been listening to the students and their requests. | |
313 | Money-saving Panther Pass includes non-sporting events Northern Iowan 96:54, p.1 |
Panther Pass will be implemented next year for a fee of $15 per semester. | |
314 | Student Voices: How would an eight to 10 percent tuition increase affect you? Northern Iowan 96:48, p.9 |
Students say that if tuition increases, they will need to work more, take out more loans, or cut back on social events; photo. | |
315 | Students in uproar over activity fees Northern Iowan 96:22, p.5 |
Students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are suing the university because they disagree with how student activity fees are used. | |
316 | Regents approve 4.3% tuition hike Northern Iowan 96:17, p.1 |
NISG supported the Regent's recommendation to raise tuition 4.3%. | |
317 | University of Northern Iowa says although costs are up, College Is Possible Public Relations News Release 1999:98, p.1 |
UNI has joined nation-wide project, College Is Possible, to educate the public on funding higher education. | |
318 | Tuition increase waiting for approval Northern Iowan 96:9, p.3 |
Board of Regents will consider a 4.3 percent tuition increase, backed by all three state university presidents, in October. | |
319 | Computer fee increase will allow ITS to serve students Northern Iowan 96:7, p.1 |
ITS struggles to provide adequate equipment and service with UNI's computer fee, lowest among the three Regents universities. | |
320 | Compromise reached on computer fees: NISG proposes $18 increase to Board of Regents Northern Iowan 96:6, p.1 |
NISG and administration debate over computer fee increase amount; photo. | |
321 | NISG's Weekly Report: students' voices need to be heard; students first Northern Iowan 96:4, p.7 |
NISG is conducting a survey to assess students' concerns and priorities for use of tuition and fee money. | |
322 | NISG to investigate minimum housing code Northern Iowan 95:58, p.3 |
Topics at recent NISG meeting included housing code exploratory committee, advertising on Panther Shuttle buses, "Welcome Week" activities, Student-Advantage, All-Events pass, and the increased student computer fee. | |
323 | Blast from the Past Northern Iowan 95:56, p.8 |
Headlines from the first week of summer session in the years 1956, 1969, 1978, 1982, and 1992. | |
324 | Big year of changes for UNI Northern Iowan 95:55, p.1 |
Highlights from year include Stein's liquor license, Panther Shuttle, peaceful Homecoming, $3.6 million gift from the Alderman estate, death of Sue Follon, Kits for Kosovo, construction, and technological advances; photo. | |
325 | NISG complete successful year, begins new one Northern Iowan 95:52, p.11 |
Summary of projects completed by the NISG last year under President Matt Close and Vice-President Scott Meskimen and projects planned under new administration. | |
326 | Student government requests funding to keep Shuttle rolling Northern Iowan 95:48, p.1 |
NISG is requesting $88,000 to fund Panther Shuttle service from August 1999 through May 2000. | |
327 | Student Activity Fee Committee plays vital Northern Iowan 95:47, p.8 |
Committee, composed of students and staff, will recommend the allocation of student activity fees for 1999-2000 to President Koob no later than April 15. | |
328 | Year-long shuttle needed Northern Iowan 95:47, p.6 |
Editorial proposes students purchase year-round shuttle passes instead of securing funding through the student activity fees. | |
329 | 'State of the student body' Northern Iowan 95:35, p.10 |
Results of survey show that tuition costs, parking, free lawyer service, and Panther Shuttle bus system are the issues most important to students. | |
330 | Where is all the money going? Northern Iowan 95:17, p.8 |
Gerald Baker comments on the increase in tuition for next year. | |
331 | Board of Regents wavers, settles on 4.5 percent tuition hike Northern Iowan 95:16, p.1 |
Iowa State Board of Regents lowered the tuition increase from 5.2% to 4.5% in response to student concerns. | |
332 | UNI: Lifestyles of rich, famous? Northern Iowan 95:16, p.6 |
Board of Regents member Clarkson Kelly thinks students have the money to spend on higher tuition. | |
333 | Tuition hike: latest case of cracked number crunching Northern Iowan 95:9, p.6 |
Editorial comments on the 5.2% tuition increase for next year and suggests "quality improvements." | |
334 | Tuition hike gets rise from students Northern Iowan 95:8, p.1 |
Students oppose the Board of Regents proposed 5.2% tuition increase for next year; graph. | |
335 | Lang facelift at students' expense Northern Iowan 94:52, p.5 |
Editorial comments on the use of student fees to help fund Lang Hall renovations. | |
336 | Renovations, expansion approved for Lang Hall Northern Iowan 94:52, p.1 |
Student fee monies will fund a portion of the expansion and renovation of Lang Hall; drawing and floor plan. | |
337 | Regents approve tuition increase Northern Iowan 94:15, p.1 |
Regents approve 3.9% increase in tuition; raise several fees. | |
338 | Ritrievi responds to ticket dispute Northern Iowan 94:11, p.1 |
Athletic Director Chris Ritrievi says that ticket prices are higher at UNI because the Athletic Department's share of student fees is smaller than at other Gateway Conference schools. | |
339 | Student fee allocations higher around Gateway Northern Iowan 94:11, p.1 |
Outlines differences among Gateway Conference members with regard to allocation of student fees. | |
340 | Tax crunch may ease for students, parents Northern Iowan 94:9, p.1 |
Possible effects of Hope Tax Credit. | |
341 | Student ticket prices skyrocket Northern Iowan 94:4, p.1 |
Student ticket prices raised from $7 to $16 per event; reduction in student fee allocation cited as cause. | |
342 | Regents discuss tuition hike; voting delayed till October Northern Iowan 94:4, p.1 |
3.9% increase proposed; student representatives speak to Board of Regents; photo. | |
343 | Student computer fee questioned Northern Iowan 93:32, p.1 |
Use of student computer fees is questioned; photo. | |
344 | Regents okay tuition hike Northern Iowan 93:14, p.1 |
Board of Regents approved a 3.9% increase in tuition. | |
345 | Student Government in full swing; proposed tuition increase highlights Northern Iowan 93:6, p.2 |
Northern Iowa Student Government met Wednesday to discuss tuition, fees, and other business. | |
346 | Recently at the Regents; preliminary general fund budget Campus News Network 6:18, p.1 |
Proposed fiscal year 1997 general fund budget is $107,073,500; Regents reported that UNI faculty salaries are 6th highest and approved student fee allocations. | |
347 | Board of Regents meets, recommends tuition hike Northern Iowan 92:16, p.4 |
Regents recommend 3.5% increase; propose allocating UNI additional $960,000 for financial aid and infrastructure improvements; also act on program for Center for Energy and Environmental Education. | |
348 | Board of Regents meeting focuses on tuition increase, zero growth Northern Iowan 92:10, p.1 |
Conflicting demands on Regents. | |
349 | Young and old students alike: welcome to the big leagues Northern Iowan 92:2, p.7 |
Advice to new students. | |
350 | The fiscal crisis of the Thirties A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.37 |
The college faces a difficult financial picture, with a decline in enrollment, salary cuts, and strict economies in operations; photo. |