Tuition and Fees

Displaying 101 - 150 of 908 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 UNI feel effects of budget cuts
Northern Iowan 108:3, p.1

State support for UNI has been cut for the third straight year. This year's shortfall is 3.6 million dollars. Class sizes are increasing. Retirements are not being replaced. Programs are being cut; photo.

102 Tuition to increase by five percent next year
Northern Iowan 107:45, p.1
The Iowa Board of Regents voted 7-2 to approve a tuition increase for the coming academic year. In-state business students will see an increase of 11.3 percent. This is aimed to make up for former Governor Culver's ten per cent across the board cut.
103 NISG supports fee increase after debate
Northern Iowan 95:44, p.1
NISG passed a resolution supporting the increase of student computer fees by $30 per student per year; senior Scott Hunt proposed the increase.
104 'You can't spend what you don't have'
Northern Iowan 107:43, p.1
Iowa State University College Republicans supported the proposed budgets cuts. The group does not support increased tuition levels; photo.
Northern Iowan 107:43, p.1
Regent's Day brought roughly two hundred fifty students to Des Moines. Students visited with legislators, hoping to hold the line on budget cuts aimed at higher education; photo.
106 Ask not what your university can do for you; ask what you can do for your university
Northern Iowan 107:42, p.9
Proposed budget cuts have caused the mood at many public universities, including UNI, to be dreary. Students should pick themselves up, get involved, focus on the positive, and remember why they came to college in the first place; photo.
107 Send a message: these cuts need to stop
Northern Iowan 107:38, p.9
Once again the state legislature is asking students to pay higher tuition. The current proposals are for deep cuts to higher education funding. Larger class size, fewer professors, and fewer student services will be the result. Speak out now.
108 Regents propose 5 percent tuition increase in light of potential budget reductions
Northern Iowan 107:34, p.1
Both in and out of state students would see their tuition bill raised by five per cent next year. Students in the College of Business upper division are looking at a proposal of 11.3 percent for in state and 7.9 for out of state students.
109 More cuts on the way?
Northern Iowan 107:30, p.1
Iowa House of Representatives has passed a bill that could potentially cut $1.6 million from the University budget this fiscal year. Larger classes, higher tuition, and fewer class offering could result; photo.
110 Don't throw your money away
Northern Iowan 107:1, p.17
A college education should be looked at as an investment. The return on the investment will be based on effort and participation. Cultivate the skills that you learn.
111 GBPAC maintains commitment to students
Northern Iowan 106:53, p.1
Performing Arts Center will lose $75,000 in funding from Student Services Fees. To make up the difference, donors will be asked to increase support; photo.
112 Tuition surcharge to be refunded to students
Northern Iowan 106:52, p.1
$100 surcharge had been collected with spring 2010 tuition; General Assembly passed supplemental appropriation to cover the surcharge.
113 Student services fee decreases for students, to GBPAC
Northern Iowan 106:51, p.1
The portion of student fees allocated to the Performing Arts Center will be reduced by fifty percent; Center had been using student fees for operational costs; photo.
114 Jumping through hoops
Northern Iowan 106:46, p.4
Believes college will be a much more rewarding experience if students put effort into projects, readings, and discussions. Doing the bare minimum may lead to doing the same on the job. Take advantage of the college years.
115 Eliminating middleman not a good thing
Northern Iowan 106:46, p.4
Removal of state and federal government agencies for lending money to college students seen as sure way to reduce inflated tuition rates. Private lenders realize tuition is too high and choose not to lend money to students.
116 A friendly reminder from a student body member
Northern Iowan 106:46, p.5
Student shares his belief that along with being a part of the University come accountability and responsiveness to the demands of the students. Author takes "Students First" theme to heart.
117 UNI President Allen speaks to concerned graduate students
Northern Iowan 106:41, p.1
President Allen spoke about pay cuts, department reorganizations, layoffs, a student surcharge, and campus rumors at a meeting with graduate students. The president advised students not to rush through graduate school; photo.
118 State Board of Regents approved 6-percent tuition increase, voted to repeal $100 surcharge
Northern Iowan 106:34, p.1
Students will be affected by Board of Regents decisions. Tuition increase will be somewhat offset by the repeal of the surcharge imposed last semester due to the ten percent budget cut ordered by Governor Culver.
119 The problem with refunded tuition
Northern Iowan 106:34, p.6
The one hundred dollar surcharge students paid for the spring semester will be refunded if the Governor's budget is approved. Perhaps it would be best to continue the charge, since more cuts are anticipated for the next fiscal year.
120 On the issues; NISG candidates Joel Anderson, Emma Hashman
Northern Iowan 106:33, p.3
Candidates for vice president of the student body answer questions about qualifications, concerns for the university, and their views on the tuition surcharge and faculty and staff furloughs; photo.
121 Allen meets with merit staff
Northern Iowan 106:32, p.1
President Allen presented an update to the Merit staff on how the current economic situation is affecting the university. Two meetings were held to allow members from different shifts to attend; photo.
122 Board of Regents defers tuition decision
Northern Iowan 106:26, p.1
David Miles, Board of Regents President, announced that the Board will postpone deciding on the size of the tuition increase until after the December 11 meeting of the State Revenue Estimating Conference.
123 Gibson on budget cuts: "Not all questions can be answered"
Northern Iowan 106:24, p.1
Provost Gibson and Vice-President for Student Affairs Terrence Hogan addressed the budget situation during a town hall meeting sponsored by the Northern Iowa Student Government; photo.
124 Ready, Aim, Fire. Consolidate.
Northern Iowan 106:22, p.7
Urges evaluation of courses and focusing on the Liberal Arts Core to save students time and money. Decreased spending, lower tuition, and less student burnout could be the upside to consolidation.
125 Northern Iowa Student Government hosts town hall meetings to communicate with students
Northern Iowan 106:21, p.3
Members of the UNI administration will attend town hall meetings to answer student questions. The current budget situation, a one hundred dollar surcharge, and proposed tuition increase will be discussed.
126 Price Lab School seeks unpaid tuition fees
Northern Iowan 106:21, p.2
Unpaid tuition at Lab School totaling $250,000 discovered during audit; $95,000 of this total will not be sought due to uncertain legal standing The remaining $155,000 will be sought for payment; photo.
127 NISG analyzes UNI's budget situation
Northern Iowan 106:21, p.1
Budget cuts and proposed changes in the liberal arts core are topics to be discussed during town hall meetings sponsored by Northern Iowa Student Government; photo.
128 Business students face $902 tuition increase
Northern Iowan 106:20, p.1
Junior, senior, and graduate students in the College of Business will see a 12.6 per cent increase in tuition. This is due to a graduated scale imposed by the College to help maintain their ranking as a top business school; photo.
129 Board of Regents approves UNI's budget plan
Northern Iowan 106:19, p.1

Governor Chet Culver's ten per cent across the board budget cut trickled down to a UNI share of $8.9 million dollars. A $100 surcharge on tuition for spring, days off without pay, and reducing retirement contributions have been approved; photo.

130 Students speak about budget situation
Northern Iowan 106:18, p.1
Baker Hall demolition, shorter semesters, tuition surcharge, and layoffs draw the attention of students. Opinions vary and emotions run high.
131 UNI President encourages campus to work strong, hard, together in light of budget cuts
Northern Iowan 106:15, p.1
Cutting $8.8 million from the 2010 university budget will not be easy. There are several alternatives, each having a down side. President Allen will visit with groups on and off campus for input.
132 NISG opposes high tuition increases, prepares for Green Week
Northern Iowan 106:15, p.1
Adam Haselhuhn feels that the state is increasingly placing the burden of public higher education on the backs of the students. A tuition raise of over three and a half percent is not acceptable to NISG. Green Week focuses on the environment.
133 Withdrawing from classes can affect students
Northern Iowan 106:15, p.1
Registrar Phil Patton notes that students are not reimbursed for tuition paid for dropped classes. Help is available on a case by case basis for drops after the deadline that result in an F. There is a procedure to get the F changed to a W.
134 NISG president speaks out against budget cuts
Northern Iowan 106:14, p.1
Disappointed about the lack of support for education by Governor Culver during the most recent budget cut. State support for UNI has decreased over twenty-three percent since the beginning of fiscal year 2009.
135 Regents discuss budget reductions
Northern Iowan 106:14, p.1
The ten per cent reduction in the state's fiscal 2010 budget was the topic of the Board of Regents meeting. Continued access to public universities and the need to continue high quality education were re-enforced.
136 NISG discussed tuition increases, SafeRide, new clubs and Cedar Falls mayor candidacy
Northern Iowan 106:9, p.4
Northern Iowa Student Government meeting agenda full of discussion. Information presented on Board of Regents meeting, donation from Public Safety for SafeRide, and thoughts of David Sires, candidate for mayor.
137 Board of Regents discusses potential 5 to 6 percent tuition increase
Northern Iowan 106:9, p.1
Craig Lang expressed his opinion that tuition at Regents institutions should be increased twice as much as suggested by the baseline tuition increase of 2.7 percent. The Board of Regents will discuss tuition increases at their October meeting; photo.
138 Keeping students first
Northern Iowan 106:7, p.4
Concerned about recent Regents meeting regarding the potential raising of tuition and the possibility of bonuses for university Presidents. Finds it odd that while students' cost of education increases, bonus money comes from general fund.
139 Students lobby state capitol for Students' Day
Northern Iowan 105:48, p.1
Forty-eight students travel to Des Moines to meet with legislators concerning the future of funding; photo.
140 Business tuition on the rise
Northern Iowan 105:30, p.1
Additional revenue collected from business students will go toward the hiring of seven new faculty members. The result will be decreased class size and the addition of flexibility to the business program; photo.
141 CBA discusses differential tuition
Northern Iowan 104:48, p.1
Talks have begun in the College of Business Administration on a plan for increased tuition for students in that college.
142 Students spend day at capitol
Northern Iowan 104:40, p.3
Thirty students spent a day talking with legislators about tuition and other college expenses; photo.
143 Vote today for Student Government leaders
Northern Iowan 104:38, p.1
Student leaders for the upcoming 2008-2009 school year will be elected today; photo.
144 UNI students to lobby in favor of higher education
Northern Iowan 104:38, p.9
Students take concerns about increases in tuition, financial aid, and textbooks to the Iowa legislature.
145 Student government presidential Q and A:
Northern Iowan 104:37, p.1
Candidates for NISG president and vice president answer questions dealing with their experience and goals if elected; photo.
146 From your President
Northern Iowan 104:26, p.8
Andrew Morse reviews major accomplishments of the NISG this semester.
147 John Edwards
Northern Iowan 104:16, p.8
Support for John Edwards campaign.
148 Anger over the UNI Ed. Department
Northern Iowan 104:15, p.9
Complains about length of education major, educational media course, high tuition and fees, health center service, and computer installation advice.
149 Enrollment up despite rising tuition
Northern Iowan 104:6, p.1
Enrollment at UNI this fall is up 2.8%. There are 12,609 on campus; photo.
150 Costs of rising tuition may soon be curbed if new bill becomes law
Northern Iowan 104:6, p.2
College Cost Reduction Act will boost financial aid by $20 billion over the next five years, if passed by Congress.