Tuition and Fees
Displaying 251 - 300 of 908 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
251 | Board passes tuition increase; lack of acceptable alternatives made for little doubt in proposal's passage Northern Iowan 99:23, p.1 |
By a vote of 7-2, the Iowa Board of Regents voted to increase tuition by 17.6 percent for next year; photo. | |
252 | Tuition increase approved by Board of Regents Northern Iowan 99:22, p.1 |
Board of Regents passed a tuition increase of 19.1 percent for next year. | |
253 | Board of Regents meeting at ISU Nov. 13-14 Public Relations News Release 2002:195, p.1 |
Docket items are given for the Board of Regents meeting. | |
254 | Encouraged by students finding a voice Northern Iowan 99:16, p.9 |
Praises those students who participated in the protest against the tuition hikes, and offers suggestions for taking it further. | |
255 | Sarcastic commentary on apathy Northern Iowan 99:16, p.10 |
Criticizes the student body for their lack of interest in issues such as tuition and the conflict in Iraq. | |
256 | Serendipity Safari Northern Iowan 99:16, p.9 |
Features the Board of Regents striking indifferent students with a sledgehammer, representing the effect of the proposed tuition hike on students. | |
257 | Candidate engrosses audience Northern Iowan 99:16, p.1 |
High tuition and the Iowa economy were recurrent subjects in Doug Gross' talk with students on campus; photo. | |
258 | Questions about Iowa's stance on higher education Northern Iowan 99:15, p.14 |
Comments on having to work long hours in order to pay the already high tuition; encourages students to use their voice to protest the next proposed tuition hike. | |
259 | Scudder urges communication with parents, community Northern Iowan 99:15, p.11 |
Encourages students to tell their parents to use their voice concerning the proposed tuition hike, and to write letters to their hometown newspapers about the issue. | |
260 | Untitled Northern Iowan 99:14, p.1 |
Students protest the proposed tuition hike outside the Maucker Union; photo. | |
261 | Board meets to talk tuition Northern Iowan 99:14, p.1 |
NISG leaders Jeff Scudder and Emiliano Lerda spoke to the Board of Regents to protest the proposed tuition hike for the 2003-2004 school year; photo. | |
262 | Students protesting tuition increases; Regents meeting at UNI draws students to rally Northern Iowan 99:13, p.1 |
The Committee for Student Voice was formed to protest against the proposed tuition hike and will hold a rally outside the Maucker Union on October 16. | |
263 | UNI hosts Board of Regents meeting Public Relations News Release 2002:122, p.1 |
Board of Regents will meet on the UNI campus on October 16 and 17; docket items are listed. | |
264 | Panther Pass cost should be optional Northern Iowan 99:8, p.12 |
Criticizes the administration for imposing a mandatory $60 fee for students for a Panther Pass. | |
265 | You paid for it, quit whining and USE IT! Northern Iowan 99:8, p.9 |
Encourages students to use the Panther Pass that they have already paid for in student fees to attend an athletic event or a play. | |
266 | Student suggests alternative to pass Northern Iowan 99:7, p.9 |
Offers an alternative to the mandatory Panther Pass. | |
267 | Scudder, Lerda talk tuition Northern Iowan 99:7, p.1 |
Jeff Scudder took part in a presentation to oppose the upcoming tuition hike. | |
268 | Governor Vilsack visits UNI students; Tuesday's forum provided answers to the UNI community from its governor Northern Iowan 99:6, p.1 |
Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack visited campus and spoke to students concerning the recent and upcoming tuition hikes; photo. | |
269 | Student voices Northern Iowan 99:6, p.17 |
Students respond to the question: Do you think that the Panther Pass will encourage more students to go to various events? | |
270 | Take advantage of your Panther Pass Northern Iowan 99:6, p.17 |
The Panther Pass, previously optional at a cost of $30, has been added to regular tuition and fees for all students at a cost of $60. | |
271 | Chance to raise tuition concerns to Vilsack Northern Iowan 99:5, p.9 |
Encourages students to talk to Governor Vilsack about the possible tuition hike while he is on campus today. | |
272 | Board of Regents meeting -- UNI topics and sources Public Relations News Release 2002:81, p.1 |
The Iowa Board of Regents will meet at the University of Iowa on September 18 and 19; UNI has several items on the docket. | |
273 | Higher tuition for higher education; a proposed 19.4 percent tuition increase is on the Board of Regents' September 19 docket Northern Iowan 99:5, p.1 |
The Board of Regents has proposed a $798 increase in tuition for UNI students next year. | |
274 | Students pay for indecisiveness Northern Iowan 99:4, p.15 |
Earlier drop fees have been enacted in order to compensate for students over-registering and preventing others from registering for those classes. | |
275 | Koob talks to fraction of faculty about future Northern Iowan 99:4, p.1 |
President Koob spoke to faculty members concerning another expected tuition hike, and claims that the university needs to increase student individuality; photo. | |
276 | Tuition has its 'Price'; Board of Regents approves a tuition increase for Price Lab School students Northern Iowan 99:2, p.1 |
Annual fees at Price Lab have increased from $200 to $340 to help offset the 20% budget cut; photo. | |
277 | Gross blames Vilsack for tuition costs Northern Iowan 99:1, p.5 |
Republican candidate for governor, Doug Gross, spoke on Tom Vilsack's performance and tuition costs at a news conference on campus | |
278 | Untitled Northern Iowan 98:61, p.5 |
Disagrees with Clarkson Kelly's suggestion to raise entrance requirements and tuition and fees. | |
279 | UNI semester tuition through the years Northern Iowan 98:54, p.1 |
Semester tuition has risen from $940 in 1990, to $1,558 in 2001; photo. | |
280 | On this day in history . . . Northern Iowan 98:41, p.15 |
Discusses past events on dates March 3 through March 9. | |
281 | Student body strong, despite trying times Northern Iowan 98:38, p.1 |
Adam Briddell comments that the student body has remained strong in the midst of difficult situations like terrorism, tuition increases, and violence against women. | |
282 | Iowa universities will 'UNITE' in Des Moines; slow progress and rising tuition won't stop student voices from being heard Northern Iowan 98:36, p.1 |
UNITE will gather in Des Moines to try to lessen the tuition increases. | |
283 | Earle & Hutch Northern Iowan 98:36, p.1 |
Joe Earle and Jason Hutcheson announce their campaign platform for the NISG presidential election; photo. | |
284 | UNI math professor corrects NI headline Northern Iowan 98:30, p.7 |
Claims that the Northern Iowan did not give any numerical support for their claim that students' debt was increasing exponentially. | |
285 | Good news despite tough times Northern Iowa Today 86:1, p.2 |
A review of the university's current achievements against a backdrop of budget difficulties; photo. | |
286 | Fall review: the good, the bad, and the ugly Northern Iowan 98:28, p.13 |
Important fall events include the attacks on September 11, the 18.5 percent tuition increase, and the success of UNI athletics; photo. | |
287 | Governor's visit prompts tuition questions Northern Iowan 98:26, p.1 |
Governor Vilsack met with school leaders and students during his visit to UNI; photo. | |
288 | Regents: Iowa college students will pay more Northern Iowan 98:23, p.1 |
Student government officials encourage students to write to their representatives in hopes of preventing future budget cuts; tuition will rise 18.5%; photo. | |
289 | Board of Regents to discuss tuition increase Thursday, Nov. 15 Public Relations News Release 2001:206, p.1 |
290 | Regents meeting to decide on tuition hike Northern Iowan 98:21, p.1 |
Board of Regents will vote on a recommended 18.5% tuition raise for Iowa's three universities. | |
291 | Koob talks with the NI about big issues Northern Iowan 98:21, p.1 |
President Koob discusses state budget cuts and the McLeodUSA Center; photo. | |
292 | You could change tuition hike Northern Iowan 98:19, p.1 |
NISG asks students to write to their state legislators. | |
293 | Serendipity Safari Northern Iowan 98:18, p.7 |
Student university bills will provide a "scare" for their parents. | |
294 | Estimated tuition hike nears 19.7% Northern Iowan 98:14, p.1 |
Student government leaders at Iowa's three universities prepare to discuss tuition increases with the Board of Regents. | |
295 | Future of programs unsure Northern Iowan 98:13, p.1 |
Board of Regents will make a final decision on tuition increases in their November meeting at UNI; photo. | |
296 | More tuition hikes to come Northern Iowan 98:7, p.7 |
Believes that the University needs to do more to stop tuition rates from rising. | |
297 | Regents may raise tuition 18% Northern Iowan 98:5, p.1 |
Increased enrollment heightens the need for higher tuition. | |
298 | Tuition could go up 11.5% Northern Iowan 98:3, p.1 |
The tuition increase is due to a 6% cut in state appropriations. | |
299 | Increase in college tuition Public Relations News Release 2001:33, p.1 |
Some ways to save for children's tuition are given by David Hakes. | |
300 | Cuts hurt students Northern Iowan 97:55, p.6 |
Comments on the impact that state budget cuts will have on students. |