IndexUNI: Database of University Articles


Displaying 1 - 50 of 771
Title Date Summary
1 How the most pivotal events of 2022 will shape 2023 and beyond
Hill--Drew (Student--2021)
Northern Iowan 119:29, p.03
1/19/2023 Drew Hill writes on events like tensions between Russia and Ukraine, women's rights, and the midterm election and gives his opinions on how they will affect the years to come; photo.
2 The red wave in Iowa
Hill--Drew (Student--2021)
Northern Iowan 119:24, p.03
11/17/2022 Drew Hill writes an opinion piece on the recent midterm election results which he believes confirms that Iowa is most likely moving away from being a swing state to becoming a solid Republican state; photo.
3 Iowa second Amendment
Klinkhammer--Bailey (Student--2021)
Northern Iowan 119:22, p.03
11/10/2022 Bailey Klinkhammer writes an opinion piece on the nature of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendments that was added to the Iowa Constitution. Klinkhammer believes that this will make any attempts of passing gun legislations harder therefore causing looser regulations and more gun violence across the state; photo.
4 Meet the candidates: midterm edition
Christensen--Caroline (Student--2021)
Northern Iowan 119:20, p.01
11/3/2022 Caroline Christensen gives a run down of the midterm candidates. The candidates include Kim Reynolds, Deidre Dejear, Chuck Grassley, Michael Franken, Liz Mathis, and Ashley Hinson; photo.
5 Vote for who you know
Hill--Drew (Student--2021)
Northern Iowan 119:20, p.03
11/3/2022 Drew Hill writes an opinion piece strongly urging students to vote for Kim Reynolds and Chuck Grassley during the midterm election.
6 Who is on the ballot?
Roundtree--Diamond (Student--2021)
Northern Iowan 119:20, p.04
11/3/2022 A page of the newspaper dedicated to stating the names, political parties, position, and photos of each candidate running in the Iowa midterm election; photo.
7 Bring back the blue
Klinkhammer--Bailey (Student--2021)
Northern Iowan 119:18, p.03
10/27/2022 Bailey Klinkhammer writes an opinion piece on their thoughts of why Iowan voters should vote Democrat for the midterm election this year; photo.
8 2022 midterms approach
Schmitz--Mallory (Student--2021), Benitez--Nixson (Class of 2023)
Northern Iowan 119:16, p.01
10/20/2022 Mallory Schmitz gives readers information on early voting and absentee ballot requests for the upcoming midterm election; photo.
9 UNI among top colleges for student voting
Nelson--Luke (Student--2022)
Northern Iowan 119:10, p.01
9/29/2022 Luke Nelson reports on events happening surrounding the mid-term elections coming up in November. UNI is planning a social media campaign to raise awareness and encourage young college students to vote; photo.
10 Voter ID is not voter suppression
Richards--Tanner (Student--2021)
Northern Iowan 117:47, p.03
4/5/2021 In the author's opinion, election security is an important concern and the new law in Georgia, which requires ID, should stand in spite of protests of voter suppression by Democrats and the media; photo.
11 A Country Divided: UNI reacts to Election Day
Maas--Emma'le (Student--2019), Fortmann--Toni (Class of 2022)
Northern Iowan 117:23, p.01
11/5/2020 UNI students and professors discuss the 2020 presidential election as well as the state-wide elections for the United States Congress. Both students and professors express their opinions on the uncalled race and the role of mail-in ballots; photo.
12 UNI receives award for voter registration efforts
Warrington--David (Student--2020), Fortmann--Toni (Class of 2022)
Northern Iowan 117:23, p.06
11/5/2020 UNI was awarded the Pursuing Victory with Honor award, in part for the high turnout of student-athletes who voted. UNI has routinely had some of the best voter turnouts across America's college campuses; photo.
13 2020 Election
Northern Iowan Staff
Northern Iowan 117:14, p.08
10/5/2020 The Northern Iowan staff reminds students how to vote in the upcoming election and gives brief summaries about ballot candidates; photos.
14 First Presidential debate: a fail
Horning--Colin (Class of 2022)
Northern Iowan 117:13, p.03
10/1/2020 The author summarizes the Tuesday, Sept. 2020 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden and gives their opinion on the performance of the candidates; photo.
15 Address discusses women's suffrage
McGuill--Lauren (Student--2019)
Northern Iowan 117:11, p.01
9/24/2020 The annual Constitution Day Address was held on September 22. It was hosted by Scott Peters, professor and Department Head of Political Science. The speaker was Professor Christina Wolbrecht from the University of Notre Dame. She spoke on Zoom about her background, book, American voting, and women's suffrage; photo.
16 UNI-Dome to become voting site
Kelsey--Elizabeth (Class of 2021)
Northern Iowan 117:11, p.02
9/24/2020 The UNI-Dome will be a voting site for early and general election voting for Black Hawk County residents; photo.
17 UNI hosts mock caucus in Maucker
Kelsey--Elizabeth (Class of 2021)
Northern Iowan 116:31, p.01
1/30/2020 UNI students and faculty participated in a mock caucus on January 27 ahead of the Iowa caucuses. The event was hosted by the American Democracy Projects, Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG), and the political science department; photos.
18 University to host mock caucus
Kelsey--Elizabeth (Class of 2021), Leitner--Gabrielle (Class of 2020)
Northern Iowan 116:29, p.02
1/23/2020 The political science department, American Democracy Project, and Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) will host a mock caucus event designed to introduce students to the caucusing process. Participants will be led through the processes that both parties use to conduct their caucus. UNI had the highest midterm voter turnout of Iowa universities; photo.
19 U.S. needs a pro-Latin America president
Leitner--Gabrielle (Class of 2020), Rawwas--Mohammed (Class of 2021)
Northern Iowan 116:27, p.03
12/12/2019 Rawwas discusses recent deposing of Bolivian president elect Evo Morales by Jeanine Anez, calling it a military coup based upon the false claims and United States imperialism perpetuated through the Organization of American States' report questioning the freedom of the election. In the author's opinion, the only presidential candidate with a clear vision of solidarity with Latin America is Bernie Sanders; photo.
20 UNI voter turnout top among IA public universities
Kelsey--Elizabeth (Class of 2021)
Northern Iowan 116:21, p.02
11/11/2019 UNI had the highest voter turnout among Iowa's three public universities. UNI participated in Iowa Campus Compact's Voting Challenge and anticipated a 40% turnout, and had a 46.2% turnout. The school had originally been part of the ALL IN Challenge, and Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG), academic departments, and student organizations had formed the #PanthersVote coalition for the 2018 midterm election. Political science professor Justin Holmes and graduate Brenna Wolfe discussed on the initiative.
21 Presidential candidates to visit UNI
Kelsey--Elizabeth (Class of 2021)
Northern Iowan 116:15, p.02
10/21/2019 UNI will host Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer for a meet-and-greet on October 21, 2019, in the Presidential Room of Maucker Union. UNI will also host Democratic presidential candidate and Iowa's front-runner Senator Elizabeth Warren on October 22, at the UNI West Gym; photos.
22 Kamala Harris visits UNI
Alldredge--Anna (Student--2019), Leitner--Gabrielle (Class of 2020)
Northern Iowan 116:7, p.01
9/23/2019 Presidential hopeful Senator Kamala Harris visited UNI on her Iowan campaign tour. During her visit, she held a conference at the Maucker Union and invited questions from the audience; photo.
23 The democracy movement and rank-choice
Wiggins--Kevin (Student--2019)
Northern Iowan 116:6, p.03
9/19/2019 Wiggins discusses the "democracy movement," which presents possible solutions and reforms to American democracy in light of political situations like the 2000 presidential election. In the author's opinion, instituting a rank/choice voting system would be a strong solution; photo.
24 Camp Kamala launches across Iowa
Kelsey--Elizabeth (Class of 2021)
Northern Iowan 115:46, p.02
4/4/2019 U.S. senator Kamala Harris announced her candidacy for president, and her staff will be hosting Camp Kamala organizing training programs across the state. UNI's will take place on April 18; photo.
25 Special election brings early voting
Barikor--Leziga (Class of 2019), Leitner--Gabrielle (Class of 2020)
Northern Iowan 115:42, p.01
3/11/2019 Early voting for the Iowa Senate District 30 special election will be on campus as the election date falls during Spring Break; photos.
26 We must count every ballot
Ave--Jack (Student--2018)
Northern Iowan 115:24, p.03
11/15/2018 In the author's opinion, it is important to count every ballot during an election, especially due to the controversy in Georgia and Florida; photo.
27 Voters sound off on 2018 midterm
Northern Iowan 115:22, p.01
11/8/2018 The 2018 midterm election results are in. Kim Reynolds won the gubernatorial election, the first time a female governor had been elected in Iowa. Abby Finkenauer defeated Rod Blum in Iowa House district one; Dave Loebsack won in district two; Cindy Axne won in district three; Steve King won in district four. Black Hawk County saw record voter turnout. Nationwide, Democrats gained control of the House of Representatives; photos.
28 First district candidates sound off
Fortmann--Toni (Class of 2022), Wauters--Joel (Class of 2018)
Northern Iowan 115:21, p.01
11/5/2018 The article gives an overview of House of Representatives candidates Rod Blum and Abby Finkenauer and their stances on issues including heath care, the environment, abortion, and immigration; photos.
29 Former VP visits Iowa ahead of elections
Wauters--Joel (Class of 2018)
Northern Iowan 115:20, p.01
11/1/2018 Former vice president Joe Biden visited Cedar Rapids to encourage voting; photo.
30 Using snapchat as a tool to recruit voters
King--Sam John (Student--2017)
Northern Iowan 115:20, p.04
11/1/2018 The author discusses how social media, specifically Snapchat, has been encouraging voting and voter registration; photos.
31 Analyzing the gubernatorial candidates
Stelk--Caleb (Student--2018)
Northern Iowan 115:18, p.01
10/29/2018 Iowa's candidates for governor are Kim Reynolds and Fred Hubbell. The article discuses their backgrounds and positions on issues; photos.
32 Five things to consider at the polls
Corbin--Steven B. (Class of 1970; Marketing Faculty)
Northern Iowan 115:19, p.03
10/29/2018 Professor emeritus of marketing Steve Corbin wrote a letter to the editor. In the author's opinion, the five most important issues for the midterm elections are health insurance, school funding, corporate taxes, improving outdoor, wildlife, and water quality, and recent layoffs for various state-funded departments; photo.
33 Kamala Harris visits UNI
Wauters--Joel (Class of 2018)
Northern Iowan 115:18, p.02
10/25/2018 California State Senator Kamala Harris visited UNI to encourage voting in the midterm elections.
34 Informed voting is important
Horning--Colin (Class of 2022), Wauters--Joel (Class of 2018)
Northern Iowan 115:15, p.03
10/15/2018 The author encourages research on political candidates before casting a vote; photo.
35 UNI to host satellite voting
Stelk--Caleb (Student--2018)
Northern Iowan 115:14, p.02
10/11/2018 UNI will offer on-campus satellite voting for the 2018 midterm elections; photo.
36 UNI hosts First District Debate
Stelk--Caleb (Student--2018), Wauters--Joel (Class of 2018)
Northern Iowan 115:13, p.01
10/8/2018 UNI hosted the first Iowa First District debate between Abby Finkenauer and Rod Blum, both of who are running for the House of Representatives seat.
37 UNI receives voter turnout award
Flanders--Anna (Student--2017), Leitner--Gabrielle (Class of 2020)
Northern Iowan 115:13, p.03
10/8/2018 UNI received the Silver Seal from the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge for high voter participation in the 2016 presidential elections. 67.5 percent of the UNI student body voted, putting UNI second in the country for voter turnout.
38 #PanthersVote kicking off tomorrow
Dausener--Josh (Student--2017)
Northern Iowan 115:9, p.02
9/24/2018 The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) and other student organizations kicked off an on-campus campaign called #PanthersVote to raise political awareness in the lead-up to the November midterm elections; photo.
39 Kander hosts voting event
Dausener--Josua (Student--2017), Dausener--Josh (Student--2017), Leitner--Gabrielle (Class of 2020)
Northern Iowan 115:2, p.05
8/27/2018 Democrat Jason Kander visited campus, sponsored by Let America Vote, March for Our Lives Cedar Valley, and the Northern Iowa Democrats, and spoke on voting and voter suppression; photo.
40 LTE: midterm elections matter
Corbin--Steven B. (Class of 1970; Marketing Faculty)
Northern Iowan 115:2, p.03
8/27/2018 Corbin, professor emeritus of marketing, discusses the importance of midterm elections and the possible impacts on issues; photo.
41 Rock the mock caucus
Welsch--Shelby (Student--2015)
Northern Iowan 112:29, p.01
1/21/2016 UNI hosts its first ever "mock caucus;" photo.
42 Fight apathy, become an activist
Ta--Linh Mai (Student--2011)
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.3
5/1/2014 Says that many of the world's problems could be fixed if people cared more; photo.
43 All-staff opinion column: What are your thoughts on student government?
Daniel--Christopher (Student--2013)
Northern Iowan 110:42, p.3
3/6/2014 Three Northern Iowan opinion columnists give their opinions on the Northern Iowa Student Government.
44 Redefining the word 'patriot'
Cooling--Corey C. (Student--2013)
Northern Iowan 110:17, p.3
10/25/2013 Says what it means to be patriotic has changed over the years. Says that being patriotic should not mean that you are a beer guzzling, cutoff denim-wearing person yelling about "Murica."
45 That's just, like, your opinion, man
Enabnit--Joseph Benjamin (Student--2011)
Northern Iowan 109:39, p.4
3/1/2013 Says that the First Amendment gave Americans the right of free speech. That has caused people to express their opinions, whether they are informed opinions, or not. People tend to spread uninformed, biased opinions, and that leads to rumors.
46 UNI Presidential Search and Screen Committee meeting notice
Public Relations News Release 2012:191, p.1
2/5/2013 The UNI Presidential Search and Screen Committee will meet to discuss the presidential election.
47 UNI presidential search narrows to two candidates
Public Relations News Release 2012:189, p.1
2/5/2013 Avijit Ghosh, one of the final three candidates for the president of UNI has withdrawn his candidacy.
48 Third UNI presidential candidate to visit UNI
Public Relations News Release 2012:184, p.1
1/30/2013 The third presidential candidate will be visiting campus and speaking in the Old Central Ballroom. This is the final candidate to visit.
49 Professors analyze 2012 election results
Ta--Linh Mai (Student--2011)
Northern Iowan 109:26, p.1
12/4/2012 Political science faculty analyze election results. Campaign tactics, issues, and advertisements were topics of discussion.
50 UNI's political science department to host 'Election 2012: What did it mean?'
Public Relations News Release 2012:144, p.1
11/20/2012 UNI's Department of Political Science is hosting a discussion on the 2012 elections. This discussion will include possible implications of electing officials.


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